- He left behind an immortal example to all posterity. 他给后世留下了不朽的典范。
- Segeant Cuff is a perfect gentlemen. 克夫探长真是个道地的君子。
- Do ye then interweave the mortal with the immortal. 你们不可把会死的与不朽的混杂起来。
- The little girl is very interested in the old legend of immortal creatures. 小女孩对有关永生的精灵的古老传奇非常感兴趣。
- His telescopic observations are justly immortal. 他的望远镜观察结果当然是不朽的。
- We accused him of immortal conduct toward her. 我们指责他对她的不道德行为。
- She bodied forth the immortal mind. 她使不朽的精神更具体化了。
- The spirits of the brave departed will be immortal. 英灵永在。
- You have placed his immortal soul in jeopardy. 你已经陷害了他永生的灵魂。
- He is what Voldemort yearns to be - immortal! 这就是为什么伏地魔称他不朽的原因。
- Some people wish they could be immortal. 有些人希望自己可以长生不死。
- Some people believe that the spirit is immortal. 有人相信灵魂不灭。
- That which is mortal is not immortal. 凡是会死的就不是永生的。
- The quality or condition of being immortal. 不朽不朽的状态或性质
- He believed his immortal soul was in peril. 他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。
- Or is Mount Tai the immortal Confucius? 泰山就是永远的孔子吗?
- Glorious, pious and immortal memory. 光荣、虔诚、不朽的纪念[55]。
- "Shall we not spend our immortal life together? “我们难道不能在一起度过我们永恒的生命吗?
- For that I return thanks to the immortal gods. 因此我感谢永生的众神。
- Or mortal you image immortal virtue? 还是你可朽的身体遮掩了你不朽的美德噢?