- Illegal abortion with oliguria 非法流产伴少尿
- Illegal abortion with renal shutdown 非法流产伴肾衰竭
- Illegal abortion with tear of bladder 非法流产伴膀胱撕裂
- Illegal abortion with acute necrosis of liver 非法流产伴急性肝坏死
- Illegal abortion with acute renal failure 非法流产伴急性肾衰竭
- Illegal abortion with acute yellow atrophy of liver 非法流产伴急性黄色肝萎缩
- Illegal abortion with afibrinogenemia 非法流产伴无纤维蛋白原血症
- Illegal abortion with air embolism 非法流产伴空气栓塞
- Illegal abortion with amniotic fluid embolism 非法流产伴羊水栓塞
- Illegal abortion with blood-clot embolism 非法流产伴血块栓塞
- Illegal abortion with cardiac arrest or failure 非法流产伴心脏停搏或衰竭
- Illegal abortion with cerebral anoxia 非法流产伴脑缺氧
- Illegal abortion with circulatory collapse 非法流产伴循环衰竭
- Illegal abortion with defibrination syndrome 非法流产伴去纤维蛋白综合征
- Illegal abortion with electrolyte imbalance 非法流产伴电解质失衡
- Illegal abortion with endometritis 非法流产伴子宫内膜炎
- Illegal abortion with fat embolism 非法流产伴脂肪栓塞
- Illegal abortion with intravascular hemolysis 非法流产伴血管内溶血
- Illegal abortion with laceration of bladder 非法流产伴膀胱撕裂
- Illegal abortion with laceration of bowel 非法流产伴肠撕裂