- Illegal Immigration Is a Crime 非法移民是犯罪行为
- It is a crime to stuff the ballot box. 为候选人投伪造票是犯罪行为。
- It is a crime to counterfeit money. 伪造货币是犯罪行为。
- He said deporting all illegal immigrants is not the answer, and the only way to fix the current broken immigration system is a multi-faceted approach that relies on far more than just border security. 他指出,驱逐所有的非法移民并不是答案,要整顿目前问题严重的移民体系,唯一的办法就是从多方面入手,光靠加强边界安全并不能解决问题。
- Such reckless spending is a crime. 如此挥霍是一种罪恶。
- Action against illegal immigration is one of the Force's top priorities. 反非法入境是警方最优先处理的工作之一。
- Bribery of government officials is a crime. 向政府官员行贿是犯罪行为。
- Do you think abortion is a crime? 你认识堕胎是犯罪吗?
- Stealing is a crime through the eyes of the law. 从法律观点看来,偷窃是一种犯罪。
- Support for unregulated free trade has cratered on the Democratic left.Hostility to illegal immigration is red hot on the Republican right. 支持非受监管自由贸易已经在民主党左派留下了弹坑,而在共和党右派,对非法移民的敌意仍然十分强烈。
- Murder is a crime against nature. 谋杀是一种有违天性的罪行。
- It is a crime to waste so much food. 浪费那么多食物是一种罪过。
- Appropriating public funds is a crime. 挪用公款是犯罪行为。
- Killing animals is a crime against nature. 杀生是违背自然的罪过。
- Concealing revenue from the government is a crime. 向政府隐瞒收入是一种罪行。
- Innocent is a crime, in your adult world! 天真是一种罪,在你成人的世界!
- If beauty is a crime, you are heinous! 关于圣诞节的如果美丽是一种罪,你已经罪恶滔天!
- It is a crime to commit suicide. 自杀是一种犯罪。
- He said Italy is a front-line state against illegal immigration and invests its own funds to protect other European countries. 他说,意大利是打击非法移民的前沿国家,在保护其他欧洲国家方面投入了本国的财力。
- It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer. 不告知买主就对食物掺杂是犯罪。