- Tennyson's poetic career is also marked out by Idylls of the King (the Celtic legends of King Arthur). 丁尼生另一部代表作是《国王诗歌集》,故事源于凯尔特民族关于亚瑟王与他的圆桌骑士的传说。
- The first scene of the play is the king's palace. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- The king tried to weaken the power of the clergy. 国王试图削弱教会的权力。
- The knights were the tools of the king. 骑士是国王的爪牙。
- The letter bears the seal of the king. 这封信有国王的封印。
- Flags were (flown) at half-mast everywhere on the day of the king's funeral. 国王安葬那天各处都下了半旗。
- Accuser: He calls himself the King of the Jews! 原告:他称自己为犹太人的王!
- He was the ambassador of the king of Portugal. 他是葡萄牙国王的使臣。
- The albatross is the king of the gliders. 信天翁是滑翔鸟类之王。
- You are indeed the king of the impulse buy. 你确实爱冲动买东西,这点真是无人能及。
- A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king. 响亮的喇叭声是国王驾到的信号。
- The lion is the king of the jungle. 狮子是丛林之王。
- Villefort understood the drift of the king. 维尔福很懂得国王讲话的意向。
- All the doors were laid open for his departure, not without the privity of the King. 所有的门都为他的离开而开启,而国王对此事并非一无所知。
- The King's cruelty excited a rising of the people. 国王的残暴引起了人民的反抗。
- It's clever of the king to find the plot. 国王很聪明,发现了这个阴谋。
- They were all loyal supporters of the King. 他们都是国王忠实的支持者。
- The first scene of the play is the king. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。
- He played the role of the king in the comedy. 他在那部喜剧中扮演一位国王。