- Yes, I worked for producing the IVF embryos. 是的,我在那里生产试管胚胎。
- Development of Bovine IVF Embryos in Chemical Defined Medium 牛体外受精胚胎在成份确定培养液内的发育
- Study on Sex Identification of IVF Embryos in Buffalo 水牛体外受精胚胎性别鉴定研究
- Research on application of beef cattle IVF embryo transplanting 肉牛IVF胚胎移植应用研究
- Study of the Chemically defined Culture System for Bovine IVF Embryos 牛体外受精胚胎成份明确培养系统的建立
- Study on Factors Affecting Pregnant Rate of Transferred Bovine IVF Embryos 牛体外受精冷冻胚胎移植妊娠率影响因素的研究
- Quality evaluation of bovine IVF embryos by immuno-surgery and double dye technique 不同培养系统牛体外受精囊胚的质量评价
- Effect of Linoleic Acid Albumin on Viability of Frozen-thraw IVF Embryos in Bovine 亚油酸蛋白对牛IVF胚胎的冷冻后发育能力的影响研究
- Effect of oestrus type and grading of corpus luteum of recipient cattleon the birth rate of transplanted IVF embryos 受体牛发情方式与黄体等级对移植IVF胚产犊率的影响
- The new project is still in embryo. 新的项目尚在考虑中。
- My plans are still very much in embryo. 我的计划在很大程度上仍在酝酿中。
- Effect of Several Factors on Developmental Potential of Bovine Embryonic Stem Cells from IVF Embryo 牛体外受精胚胎衍生干细胞能力影响因素的研究
- A developmental disorder in an embryo. 胚胎病胚胎发育的紊乱
- The development and growth of an embryo. 胚胎发生胚胎的发展与生长
- The effect of embryo transfer techniques on the clinical pregnancy rate of IVF. 胚胎移植技术对IVF临床妊娠率的影响
- Factors of early spontaneous abortion in IVF?ET. IVF-ET中自然流产的相关因素分析
- She conceived without the help of IVF. 她没有作人工受孕。
- IVF embryos 体外受精胚胎
- Sydney IVF Embryo Biopsy Media 大家对胚胎活检培养液
- Creating that many lines could require millions of discarded embryos from IVF clinics. 而要有这麽多细胞株,需要人工受精诊所提供的上百万个废弃的胚胎。