- ceramic filter IF amplifier circuit 陶瓷滤波器中频放大电路
- multi-section filter IF amplifier circuit 多节滤波器中频放大电路
- IF amplifier circuit 中频放大电路
- The amplifier circuit is nonlinear circuit. 放大线路是非线性电路。
- Purpose: TV final picture IF amplifier applications. 用途:用于电视机末级图像中放。
- It is the equivalent circuit of a triode amplifier circuit. 它是三极管放大器的等效电路。
- It is the equivalent circuit of a triode amplifier circuit . 它是三极管放大器的等效电路。
- The Substrate meterial is domestic RT-Duroid 5880.The mixers with IF amplifier have the DSB noise figure of 5.0dB and 5.3dB respectively. 介质材料采用国产的仿RT-Duroid 5880。 经测试两种混频器包括中放在内的DSB噪声系数分别为5.;0dB和5
- This device includes a double balanced passive mixer core, an IF amplifier, a dual input LO selectable switch, and an LO buffer. 该器件包括一个双平衡无源混频器核、一个IF放大器、一个双输入LO选择开关以及一个LO缓冲。
- Some kinds of linear amplifier utilize a tube as a load element in the amplifier circuit. 有的利用各种管道作为线性放大器负载的放大器电路组成。
- This paper introduces the design of a linear photoelectric isolating amplifier circuit, and analyzes the errors of the circuit in experiment. 摘要对所设计的线性光电隔离放大电路做一介绍,并对电路进行了误差分析及实验研究。
- The mixer with an IF amplifier has a DSB noise figure of lessthan 6.8dB and 6.0dB in minimum,an operating bandwidth of 2GHz and an isolation ofgreater than 20dB. 混频器包括中放在内的 DSB 噪声系数小于6.;8dB;最小值6
- The transistor amplifier circuit is provided with an oscillation preventing countermeasure. 晶体管放大电路配备了一个过电压保护装置。
- Attenuation Equalizer Any device inserted in a transmission line or amplifier circuit to improve the shape of its frequency response. 衰减均衡器在传输线路或放大器电路中插入的任意设备,用于提高其频率响应形状。
- This highly energy-efficient CCD features a state-of-the-art amplifier circuit that all but eradicates noise and is incredibly fast. 这一高能效CCD的特色是采用最先进的放大电路,几乎可以根除噪声,并且有令人难以置信的快速.
- A notebook computer with a low noise width band amplifier circuit,filter circuit and a PCMCIA A/D sample card,constitutes a pocket practical system. 笔记本电脑配以低噪声宽带放大电路、滤波电路和一块PCMCIA式A/D采集卡,组成一套实用的便携式系统。
- Any combination ( usually adjustable ) of coils, capacitors, or resistors inserted in a transmission line or amplifier circuit to improve its frequency response. 任何一种由线圈、电容器或电阻组成的网络(通常是可调的),插入传输线或放大器电路中,用来改善频率响应特性。
- Any combination (usually adjustable) of coils, capacitors, or resistors inserted in a transmission line or amplifier circuit to improve its frequency response. 任何一种由线圈、电容器或电阻组成的网络(通常是可调的),插入传输线或放大器电路中,用来改善频率响应特性。
- And the driving circuit implements the low-pass filtering of the D/A converter"s output signals and offers the result to the power amplifier circuit as its input. 驱动电路实现对D/A转换器输出信号的低通滤波,用以产生功率放大电路的输入信号;
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。