- IAO Zi 老子
- Tao Zi reaches out to scratch her nose. 陶子伸出手去抓鼻子上的痒痒。
- Here , Gao Zi Tai means a magnanimous attitude. 所以“高姿态”就是原谅、宽容别人。
- Dimples on Tao Zi's cheeks look very3 D in the sun. 陶子脸上的酒窝,在阳光下特别具有立体感。
- Lao Zi regarded harmony as a general rule. 老子提出“知和曰常,知常曰明”;
- She waves her hand to Tao Zi like crazy. 她朝陶子拼命地挥手。
- Cang Li Man gestured Tao Zi to leave quickly. 快了,快了!仓里满示意陶子快点离开。
- Was laid in the shape of the character "zi". 就是按照“子”字的形状铺设的。
- SHANG HAI BEI ZI Garment Co., Ltd. 上海贝姿服饰有限公司。
- Tianjin Huatai Senm iao Engineering and Technique Co. 天津大学农业与生物工程学院,天津300072;
- I'll tell you after you come into my house, Tao Zi! 进屋我说给你听吧,陶子!
- On Lao Zi's Theory of the Wei and Jin Dynas. 魏晋老学初探。
- XIN MEI YUAN ZI KUN SHE BEI CO., LTD. 秦皇岛鑫美源工贸有限公司。
- Tang Gulu takes a look at Tao Zi. 唐咕噜朝陶子看了看。
- Tao Zi gives another angry look at Cang Li Man. 陶子又瞪了仓里满一眼。
- Tao Zi is scared to death when entering the room. 陶子进屋的时候吓得差点死掉。
- Tao Zi looks out and try to find who's calling her. 陶子四处张望,试图发现是谁在喊她。
- Tao Zi reached out to steady him. 陶子伸手去扶他。
- Tao Zi tenderly feels Cang Li Man's face. 陶子轻柔地摸了摸仓里满的脸。
- Tao Zi's scared silly by the cockroach. 陶子被那头蟑螂吓傻了。