- IAEA Full List of Databases 国际原子能机构所有数据库名单
- Do you want to manage the full list of filters now? 您想现在管理完整的筛选器列表吗?
- The ARO tree always shows the full list of the AROs. ARO树总是列出完整的ARO对象列表。
- For a full list of terms and conditions visit: NME Terms. 对于一个完整清单的条款和条件访问:非市场经济条款。
- Produces the full list of types, to preserve type ordering in a round trip. 生成类型的完整列表,以便在往返过程中保留类型排序。
- For a full list of the run settings properties and their descriptions, see. 若要查看完整列表,请检查属性窗口。
- For a full list of field types and model syntax options, see Appendix B. 翻译:请查看附录B了解所有的字段类型和模型语法选项。
- My bill of entry contains a full list of all goods I have sent by this ocean-going freighter. 我的报关单包括我经由这艘远洋轮托运的全部货物的清单。
- To see a full list of HTML character entities go to our HTML Entities Reference. 想看全部的HTML特殊字符列表的话就去。
- To see the full list of countries Pingo reaches and their calling card rates click here. 若想查看Pingo所连接的国家及其电话卡费率的完整列表,请单击此处。
- Do you want to manage the full list of security methods for this filter action now? 您想现在管理此筛选器操作的完整的安全措施列表吗?
- Yes, the full list of games will be emailed to you when your games have been lodged. 是的,在你投注后,全部的下注资料会用电子邮件发送给你。
- His comments came as he finalised his frontbench team by announcing his full list of junior spokesmen and women. 他是在通过公布初级发言人完整名单完成前排团队组建时发表这些评论的。
- Can you also provide me with a full list of Vegetable that you can offer in this diced formate? 你方能否也提供一份完整、以切片排列的蔬菜清单呢?
- His name was deleted from the list of candidates. 他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。
- Tema: any1 has a full list of andy lau's song or knows where to find the full list? 有没有人有华仔的所有歌曲的名字?或知道在那里可以找到?
- For a full list of all the Microsoft Project field values for the ProjectField attribute, see Field Mappings in Microsoft Project. 有关ProjectField属性的所有Microsoft Project字段值的完整列表,请参见Field Mappings in Microsoft Project。
- The police have compiled a list of suspects. 警方已编制了涉嫌者名单。
- Here is a detailed list of our offer. 这是我们的一份报价清单。
- For a full list of attachment file types that are blocked and more tips on safe file-sharing alternatives, see Blocked attachments in Outlook. 如欲获得阻止附件文件类型的完整列表,以及安全文件共享方法的更多提示,请参阅“Outlook中的阻止附件”。