- I worry about about Peter. 我为彼得担心。
- I worry about it and consult the experts. 我为之担心并征求专家的意见。
- I worry about the U.S. in both regards. 我担心两个教训都存在的美国。
- Jacks: I worry about you, Babies. 杰克丝:我担心你,宝贝。
- I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift. 我对第二德语辅音移动有些担心。
- The only thing I worry about is that we may lose opportunities. 我就担心丧失机会。
- You worry about the towers, I worry about the mini men. 你当心箭塔,我来看看。
- Sometimes I worry about being a success in a mediocre world. 有时我会担心在一个普普通通的世界里成功。
- I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness. 我担心他是否能度过疾病的危险期。
- I suppose the baby is so precious that I worry about her all the time. 我想,这孩子实在是个心肝宝贝,所以我老在为她操心。
- We worry about about his safety. 我们为他的安全担心。
- I worry about embarrassing myself if I speak up in a social situation. 我很担心在一个公共场合里大喊大叫的行为会令我很难堪。
- Of that, my dear little gnome, I have no doubt. It's our skins I worry about! 关于这一点,亲爱的小侏儒,我十分确信我担心的是我们的小命!
- The Master said,"I do not worry about others not knowing me; what I worry about is that I do not know others. 子曰:“不患人之不己知,患不知人也。
- Or: I'm not myself all day. Eg: Can you talk to her? She doesn't look like herself today. I worry about her. 你去跟她聊聊天好不好?她今天好像有点不对劲,我挺替她担心的。
- What I worry about is the weather, it looks like that we must put the vocal concert off to next week. 让我担心的是天气,看来我们不得不将演唱会推迟到下周了。
- I said a lot of, also asked many questions, give you incommode!!I worry about him very much really! 偶讲了许多,同样问了非常多难题,给阁下添凡劳了!!
- What I said about Peter goes for you, too. 我说的关于彼得的话也适用于你。
- While bellowing "to hell with Japanese anime," I worry about my friend who is out of work. 当含着:“日本动画都见鬼去吧!”,我担心我那失业的朋友。
- Let me get the first part of the equation before I worry about what teams my kids are rooting for (chuckles). 答:让我先来搞清楚你的问题再来担心我的孩子们支持哪一队吧!(咯咯笑)