- I was struck with amazement as I saw the great ship for the first time. 我第一次见那艘大船时,感到非常惊异。
- I was struck with ease after finishing the article. 写完那篇文章之后,我突然感到一阵轻松。
- I was struck with the man's singular appearance. 那个人的奇特外貌给我留下了深刻的印象。
- I was struck with a happy thought. 我突然有一个愉快的想法。
- I was struck with wonder as I saw the train for the first time. 我第一次看见火车时真是惊讶不已。
- I was struck dumb with astonishment. 我惊吓得说不出话来。
- I was quaking with fear at the sight. 看到那光景使我恐惧得发抖。
- I was completely petrified with fear. 我已经给彻底吓呆了。
- I was immediately struck with sadness. 我立刻悲从中来。
- When I heard the news I was struck all of a heap. 我听到那个消息时大吃一惊。
- I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. 我猛然发现她长得跟我姑姑很像。
- I was struck by the sudden change in his behavior. 我对他行为的突变而感到震惊。
- I was struck by her youth and enthusiasm. 她年轻热情,把我迷住了。
- I was struck by the shabbiness of the furnishings. 我感到惊讶的是家俱非常破旧。
- I was struck by the sudden realization that I would probably never see her again. 我突然意识到可能再也见不着她了。
- I was struck all of heap to see Mr Ford lying on his back. 看到福特先生仰面躺着我大吃一惊。
- I was struck all of a heap to see Mr Brown pushinga pram. 看到布朗先生推着一辆送牛奶的手推车我非常吃惊。
- I was standing in front of the mirror, stricken with indecision. 我站在镜子前犹豫不决。
- I was struck all of a heap to see Mr Brown pushing a pram. 看到布朗先生推着一辆送牛奶的手推车我非常吃惊。
- I was struck by the low personal and intellectual level of the members. 与会成员人品和知识水平之低下使我感到震惊。