- I took the big hammers. 你拿走了那些铁锤?
- I took the rap because I made a big mistake. 我因为犯了大错而受到非难。
- I took the elevator to the eighteenth floor. 我坐电梯上了第十八层。
- I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn-mower while you were away. 你不在的时候我擅自借用了你的刈草机。
- I took the big key, rubbed some salad oil into the wards, and after one or two mistakes, for my hands were shaking, managed to fit it, and shook the lock. 我拿出那把大钥匙,往锁孔里滴了点色拉油,哆哆嗦嗦地把钥匙往里插,试了两三次,好不容易才插进去,打开了锁。
- I took the hems of my dresses up to make them shorter. 我把我的连衣裙都改短了。
- I took the hint and left at once. 我领会了暗示立即离开了。
- I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe. 我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。
- I took the streetcar and transferred to the bus. 我搭乘电车再改乘公共汽车。
- May I take the balance of my holidays next month? 我能否在下个月使用还没休完的假期?
- I took the night train to the town. 我乘夜车到那个城镇去。
- I got her in focus before I took the photo. 我在拍摄前先用镜头把她对清楚。
- I took the letters from my in tray. 我从来件盘上取下信件。
- I took the liberty of reading the letter, even though it was addressed to you. 尽管这封信是写给你的,但是我冒昧地看过了。
- If you take the next turning to the right, you'll be able to head them off at the big crossroads. 如果你在下一个拐弯处向右拐,你就能在大十字路口处拦住他们。
- I took the bag and umbrella from his hands. 我从他手里把旅行包和雨伞接过来。
- I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham. 我利用在伯明翰的机会探望了我的姨母。
- I took the box and gingerly opened it. 我接过盒子,非常小心地打开它。
- I took the noon flight to Chicago. 我乘坐中午的航班去芝加哥。
- He took the risk climbing the big tree. 他冒险爬上了大树。