- I told Magnon so. 我也告诉过马侬了。
- I didn't like him so I told him to go to hell! 我不喜欢他,所以就叫他滚蛋了!
- I was busy, so I told him to clear off. 我很忙,所以我叫他走开。
- I told you that in confidence so why did you tell Jean about it? 我是私下告诉你的,你怎么又告诉了琼呢?
- I told her to pipe down but she still babbled on. 我叫她闭嘴,可她还是唠叨个没完。
- She broke into tears when I told her the news. 当我告诉她那个消息时,她哇地一声大哭起来。
- I told the boys off for making so much noise. 那些男孩子很吵闹,我把他们骂了一顿。
- Now mind what I tell you: don't go near the pond. 注意我的话:别到水池边上去。
- I hope you will bear out what I tell them. 我希望你能证明我和他们讲的情况。
- I tell him never to set foot in my house again. 我告诉他再也别踏进我家的门。
- My father will give me a thick ear if I tell a lie. 要是我撒谎的话,我父亲会狠揍我的。
- I'll be beggared if I tell a lie. 我若撒谎,就叫我没好下场。
- Don't forget what I told you just now. 别把刚才跟你说的事忘了。
- I told him to speak on any subject he wanted. 我已告诉他想谈什麽就谈什麽。
- I told the driver to pull up, and I got out. 我告诉司机停一下,然后我下了车。
- His face was grave when I told him my decision. 当我告诉他我的决定时,他的脸色很严肃。
- I tell you to stop talking at once. 我叫你们立刻停止说话。
- I told him in so many words that he was crazy. 我对他直接明了地说,他发疯了。
- I told you not to touch my things! 我告诉过你,别动我的东西!
- Do as I tell you, no but about it. 照我说的去做,不得反对。