- I suspect his motives. 我对他的动机表示怀疑。
- I suspect his knowledge does not amount to much. 我怀疑他的知识有限。
- While I grant his honesty I suspect his memory. 我承认他老实,可我怀疑他的记忆力。
- I suspect his failure is unavoidable. 我想他的失败是不可避免的。
- I suspected his motives . 我怀疑他的动机。
- I suspected his motives. 我怀疑他的动机。
- His motives were suspect with others. 他的动机受到其他人的怀疑。
- I have to warn you that his motives have lain hidden. 我不得不提醒你他的动机还不明。
- I couldn't cipher out his motives. 我猜想不出他的动机。
- I suspect he's a closet fascist. 我怀疑他是地下法西斯分子。
- They tried to bottom his motives but failed. 他们曾想追查他的动机但未成功。
- I suspect, nay, I am certain, that he is wrong. 我怀疑,不,我肯定他错了。
- I was suspicious of his motives. 我怀疑他的动机。
- I suspect he may have had ulterior motives for being so generous. 我怀疑他如此慷慨大方也许是别有用心。
- I couldn't cipherout his motives. 我猜不出他的动机。
- I suspected from his voice that he meant mischief. 我从他说话的声音就怀疑他不怀好意。
- I remain dubious about his motives. 我对他的动机心存疑虑。
- I was enlightened as to his motives. 我明白了他的动机。
- I'm very suspicious about his motives. 我很怀疑他的动机。
- Lionel asked me how things were going at work, but I suspect he was just fishing for information that might be helpful to his own company. 莱昂内尔问我工作情况如何,不过我怀疑他只是想探听一些可能对他自己公司有帮助的消息。