- I suffer from halitosis. 我有口臭。
- I suffer from high blood pressure. 我患高血压。
- Why do I suffer from acnes after intake? 服用后出现长痘是怎么回事?
- Sometimes I suffer from toothaches. 有时我遭受牙疼之苦。
- I suffer from anaemia and often sweat at night. 我贫血而且夜间盗汗。
- What a delirious fever is this that I suffer from! 我忍受着多么神智昏迷的狂热!
- I suffer from hay fever during the summer. 到了夏天,我就饱受花粉热之苦。
- I suffer from dizzy spells(= short periods when I am dizzy). 我患有阵发性头晕。
- About 65 million Americans suffer from halitosis at some point in their lives,the National Institute of Dental Research has estimated. 据美国国家牙科研究所估算,约6千5百万美国人有不同程度的口臭。
- Ask I suffer from hemangioma cure how to many money need? 问我患有血管瘤治疗需要多少钱?
- I can't eat fattening foods because I suffer from heart disease. 我不能吃容易令人发胖的食物,因为我有心脏病。
- I'm very healthy, only occasionally I suffer from colds, That's all. 我很健康,只偶尔着凉。
- I can't sleep on planes and I suffer from terrible fits of claustrophobia. 在飞行中我无法入睡,心里总有一种莫名的烦恼和恐惧。
- I merely told him that I suffered from nightmares. 我只告诉他我做恶梦很痛苦。
- Last week I suffered from a bad cold. 上一周我患了重感冒。
- About 65 million Americans suffer from halitosis at some point in their lives, the National Institute of Dental Research has estimated. 据美国国家牙科研究所估算,约6千5百万美国人有不同程度的口臭。
- I had a travel to Shanghai and I suffered from diarrhoea. 我去上海旅行,得了腹泻。
- I suffered from a running nose with a profuse watery discharge. 我的鼻子流出大量水样鼻涕。
- If I suffer from disease, I will imagine the healthy manner I used to be. 如果我在忍受病魔的煎熬,我就想象我以前健康的样子;
- I suffered from mental fatigue because of stress from my job. 由于工作的压力,我深受身心疲劳之苦。