- I strike from the shadows 我从阴影中出击
- I struck one item from the account. 我从账目中删掉一项。
- What may the doctors learn from the shadow? 医生从阴影上能查出什么?
- At once another figure crept out from the shadows of the house. 屋影下立刻走出一个人。
- The new leader wants to escape from the shadow of his predecessor. 新任领导想要摆脱前任的影响。
- Throws several projectiles which inflict damage from the Shadow. 发出多个黑暗能量伤害敌人。
- For a long time she continued to watch Taka merely from the shadows. 有很长一段时间,她仅仅只能从阴影下看着魏。
- Did I strike the gong also pretty well? 我刚才敲得也还行吧?
- Riot police quickly emerged from the shadows to beat protesters with batons. 防暴警察迅速从阴影中冲出来,用警棍殴打抗议者。
- I felt giddy from the unaccustomed exercise. 因不习惯这种运动,我感到晕眩。
- The shackles were struck from him. 他身上的桎梏被打掉了。
- The shadow seemed to take off a hat and a quiet voice came from the darkness. 那个影子仿佛脱下了他的帽子,随即一个平静的声音从黑暗里发出来。
- I ordered a wreath from the florist. 我从花店定购了一个花冠。
- All of the harm from the Shadow inflicted on the adversary drains life. 敌人受到的黑暗能量伤害全部转化为生命汲取。
- Light spells can wound you, but you are immunized against harm from the Shadow. 免疫黑暗魔法攻击,而光明魔法将使你受到创伤。
- I struck up a conversation with this old woman in the shop. 我在商店里与这位老妇人攀谈起来。
- He was struck from the official list of doctors for illegal action. 他由于违法行径而被从正式医生的名册中除名。
- How can ability come out from the disengagement in the shadow that be lovelorn? 怎么才能从失恋的阴影中解脱出来?
- Well,I strike out this Valentine's day,too. 哎!这个情人节又白白地过去了。
- I am always tired when I come home from the work. 当我下班回家时,我总是很疲倦。