- I stand to be corrected mind you, I would love to see a youngster raising the bar as Hendry did to Davis, it would certainly shake it up alot. 有太多天才球手主宰球坛了,所以才会显得冠军得主那么稀少。丁俊晖没能够获胜,以往一人主宰的日子已一去不返。我想他能够获得和希金斯、威廉姆斯和奥沙利文那样多的金牌。
- I stand to be corrected. 我讲得不对, 请予修正。
- To be unwanted, I stand off singing boring songs. 我还是站在了多余的一旁,无聊的歌唱。
- All events have proved our appraisal to be correct. 一切事实都证明,我们估计得正确。
- She couldn't stand to be told what to do. 她不容别人指使她。
- I have checked out all the figures and found them to be correct. 我核对了所有数字,发现都正确。
- I had the common-sense to abstain from any word of excuse. I stood to be scorned. 我倒还有常识,一句辩白的话也不说,站在那里听她辱骂。
- What she said is proved to be correct. 她说的话果然灵验。
- How much have I standing to my credit? 我的存款尚有多少?
- I stood to him in a special relation. 我和他有特殊的关系。
- His action can not be proved to be correct. 他的行为叫人没法证明是正确的。
- I stood to welcome his arms around me. 我站起来,投人他的怀抱。
- My contention turned out to be correct. 我的观点是正确的。
- We consider only such slogans to be correct. 这们认为只有这样的口号是正确的。
- She considered herself to be correct. 她认为自己是对的。
- People who smoke really irritate me. I can't stand to be near them. 抽烟的人使我反感。我不能容忍靠近他们。
- I am sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected. 抱歉,出了这个错。我愿意纠正。
- His hypothesis turned out to be correct. 事实证明他的假设是正确的。
- I can't stand to be around him. He just drives me crazy. 我无法呆在他身边,他使我要发狂。
- The theory proved to be correct. 这个理论证明是正确的。