- I speak of celestial adoration 我倾吐我那无上的爱慕
- I speak of peace because of the new face of war. 我所以要讲和平是因为战争已有新的面貌。
- I speak of the Japanese in general. 我就一般的日本人而言。
- Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries. 我真的将明白无误地告诉神秘。
- What I speak of the present becomes my future. 我现在所说的也就变成我我的将来。
- I shall like to introduce to you the gentleman whom I spoke of the other day. 我想把前些天与其谈话的那位绅士介绍给你。
- Ananda said, “The middle I speak of is neither of those. 阿难言:我所说中,非此二种。
- Mr Smith looked sour when I spoke of his daughter's bad conduct in school. 史密斯先生听我说到他女儿在学校品行不良时,一脸的怒容。
- I spoke of my lady a line or two back. 我在上文刚提到夫人。
- After he left,I spoke of him with enthusiasm. 他走了后,我说,这人真好。
- During my recent inspection tour, I spoke of this wherever I went. 我前不久出去,一路上都谈这个问题。
- I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. 因此我把和平讲作是有理智的人应该致力以求的合理目标。
- I shall like to introduce to you the gentleman whom I speak of the other day. 我想把前些天与其谈话的那位绅士介绍给你。
- I spoke of trying to find myself in the writings in my journal. 我跟他说了自己尝试通过给杂志写作来找回自己。
- I am not free on Sundays, not to speak of Mondays. 我星期天都没空,更不用说星期一了。
- During my recent inspection tour,I spoke of this wherever I went. 我前不久出去,一路上都谈这个问题。
- The geology of celestial bodies. 天体地质学有关天体研究的地质学
- After he left, I spoke of him with enthusiasm. What a man! 他走了后,我对姑妈说,这人真好,他对帆船也极感兴趣。
- It is the first time that I speak in public. 这是我第一次在公共场合发言。
- After this, you get a fairly long phase of celestial support. 在此之后,您会获得一个相当长的阶段天体支持。