- I shall reimburse the expenses. 我要他了那些费用。
- You shall reimburse the bank for the amount pay. 您应该偿还银行付的那笔款子。
- You shall reimburse the bank for the amount paid. 您应该偿还银行付的那笔款子。
- You shall reimburse the bank for the amount pay . 您应该偿还银行付的那笔款子。
- The Supplier shall reimburse the Distributor for any and all costs, expenses, losses and damages arising in connection with the breach of this warranty. 供货商应就本保证的违反事宜赔偿经销商所有的成本、费用、损失及损害。
- We will reimburse the expenses of the advertising for the representative. 我方将补偿代理人的广告费用。
- The purchaser shall reimburse the purchase price by bank transfer to the bank account specified in the header hereof. 买主应通过银行汇款将货款支付给开头所提到的银行帐户。
- I've worked out your share of the expenses at 10. 我已经计算出你应分摊的费用是10英镑。
- I shall have to report this to the authorities. 我得把这事向当局报告。
- I shall be attending the meeting. 我会参加会议。
- I shall be delighted to show you around the place. 我很高兴领你到处转转。
- I shall be back at11:30 at the latest. 我最晚在11:30回来。
- I shall give the matter my personal attention. 我将亲自过问此事。
- They purchased life at the expenses of honor. 他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。
- I shall have to miss the party, worse luck! 我参加不了这次聚会了,真可惜!
- He finished the job at the expenses of his health. 他以牺牲健康完成了这项工作。
- The accountant gave a breakdown of the expenses. 会计交出一份开支明细帐。
- I shall be glad to get free of the chairmanship next year. 我很高兴明年就摆脱主席这个职务了。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
- We will reimburse the customer for any loss or damage. 我们将赔偿顾客所受到的一切损失和损害。