- I saw through the fraud. 我识破了那个骗局。
- I saw through the project's completion. 我参与这项计划的所有过程。
- I see through the lies of the Jedi. 我看透了绝地武士的谎言,
- I saw through the tear of his trousers and the tear of his glove. 我从他的裤子和手套的破缝里看出来了。
- I saw the boy slip away through the door. 我看见那个男孩溜出门去。
- I saw through their game from the very beginning. 一开始我就看穿了他们的计谋
- I saw through the swindle, and refused to have any dealings with him. 我识破了这一骗局,拒绝与他有任何来往。
- Saw through the disguise all along. 我从一开始就看穿了那个伪装
- I saw his head poking through the window. 我看见了他的头探出了窗外。
- No problem, I can see through the holes. 没有问题,我可以通过漏洞看到呢。
- I couldn't see through the thick darkness. 在伸手不见五指的黑暗中,我什么也看不见。
- Oh, my god no rainbow. I did see through the thick window, but I saw nothing but rain. 没有彩虹,透过急诊的巨大玻璃窗我没有看见。
- Through the window I saw her watching TV program. 我透过窗户看见她正看电视。
- A strange shape could be seen through the fog. 在雾中隐约可见到一个奇怪的人形。
- I saw through his plot immediately. 我立即识破了他的阴谋。
- All through the season I saw her a great deal. 整整的一季度,我见了她许多次。
- To-night, for the first time in my life, I saw through the hollowness, the sham, the silliness of the empty pageant in which I had always played. 今天晚上我一生中第一回看透了;我在其中演出的那个虚饰的环境有多空虚、妄诞和愚蠢。
- It seems that I could look through the deep level of insight as I see through the kaleidoscope. 但是我知道一旦我被它的美丽所深深吸引;恐怕我就会永远被其所迷惑.
- I see my dream come true through the sunshine. 透过阳光仿佛看到梦想实现。
- Watching a mahout lovingly bathe his elephant, I tried capturing the moment from the riverside but wasn't satisfied with what I saw through the viewfinder. 看到一个象夫温柔的给他的大象洗澡,我想要从河岸拍下此刻的情景,但从取景器里看这里不是一个令人满意的角度。