- I salute them all. 我在这里,向大家表示亲切的慰问。
- I salute them for their honor and their courage. 我向他们的道德与勇敢致敬。
- I salute you, and wish you all the bests. 我向你们致敬,祝福你们!
- We saw so many places on the tour I can't remember them all. 我们旅行到过很多地方,我记都记不清。
- I salute all the soldiers that died for our country! 我向为我们的国家死的所有战士致敬!
- The box is so small that I can't get them all in. 这盒子太小了,我没法把这一切全放进去。
- Every man with a conscience should salute them. 每一个有良心的人,都应向他们表示敬意。
- I remember having shown them all the new books. 我记得已经给他们看过了全部新书。
- I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all. 我给他们每个人都切了一块生日蛋糕。
- Their boss kept them all on their toes. 他们的老板让他们一天到晚忙碌着。
- On behalf of the entire hospital. I salute you. 让我代表整个模范医院向你们致敬!白求恩
- The miserably hot weather made them all lethargic. 糟糕的热天气使他们都昏昏欲睡。
- I SALUTE YOU. You deserve a round of applause. 我向你们致敬。你们应当获得一轮热烈的掌声。
- I salute Kaya Maghan and his people! 我为卡亚玛汉和他的人民喝彩!
- He wished them all a merry Christmas and departed early. 他向他们大家说了“圣诞节好”之后,很早就走了。
- I congratulated them all on their results. 我为他们取得的成就向他们所有人表示祝贺。
- I cut them all a piece of birthday cake. 我给他们每个人都切了一块生日蛋糕。
- But I will toss my head, and refuse them all. 可我会摇头,拒绝所有的人。”
- I salute you. Quickly! Into the airlock and I will release you. 我向你敬礼。快点!进入密封过渡舱,我会把你送出去。
- I wanted to use them all the time. 我要不断地使用他们。