- I regret saying such words. 我很抱歉说了这些话。
- No sooner had the word come out than I regretted saying it. 刚说出这句话我就后悔了。
- No one but a bedlamite would say such words. 除了疯子,谁也不会说这样的话。
- It is impossible to do sth There is no saying such words. 不可能讲这样的话。
- I regretted saying this at the meeting. 我后悔在会上说了这句话。
- I regretted saying it almost at once. 我几乎马上就后悔说了这话。
- At no time has he said such words. 他在任何时候都没有说过这种话。
- I regret to say it's not possible. 很抱歉这是不可能的。
- "Will you wait for me? or Would you like to go to Uncle Sam with me?" How I wish to have the courge to say such words to you! 黄昏,长长的树影投向沙丘又到了燃生炊火的时候熟识的村民扛着铁锹走在田埂上牛驮着大捆的青草像从前一样。
- Familial affection is ‘superfluous words' only, as nobody is willing to say such words to you for your whole life, except your family. 亲情就是说“废话”!试想:除了父母和亲人,又有谁愿意和自己说一辈子这样的“废话”呢?
- I regret to say we're diametrically opposed to your ideas. 很遗憾我只好说我们完全不同意你们的意见。
- I regret to say that we find ourselves unable to pay the debt. 我很抱歉,我们看来不能偿付这笔债。
- I regret having to make so many staff redundant. 我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。
- There is no saying such words. 不可能说这样的话。
- I regret not completing the inventory on time. 我很遗憾没有按时填好库存单。
- I should never have dreamt of saying such a thing. 我无论如何也不会说出这样的话来。
- I regret to say we cannot see our way clear to fund the project. 我很抱歉,我们无意为此项工程提供资金。
- I regret the loss of her friendship. 我为失去她的友谊而遗憾。
- I regret my ignorance on the subject. 我对自己对这个课题的无知感到遗憾。
- I regret that I made such a silly mistake. 我真后悔犯了那样一个愚蠢的错误。