- I really do not know what to say. 我确实不知道说什么。
- I really do not know how I can thank you enough. 我真不知怎样谢您才好。
- I really do not know how to judge of a picture . 我真的不知道怎样判断一幅画。
- I really do not know why I am always so foolish. 我真的不知道我为什么总是这样傻?
- I really do not know their horses have. 其真不知马也。
- I really do not know why they shall be shouting like this. 我真不知道他们干吗要这样大喊大叫。
- I really do not know what to think about her decision. 我确实不知道怎么考虑她的决定。
- I really do not know what to think about his suggestion. 我确实不知怎么考虑他的建议。
- I really do not know what to do in return of your kindness. 对于你的善意,我真的不知道何以回报。
- Harris said: "I really do not know that this matter. 哈里斯称:“我真的一点都不知道这件事。
- If they let me choose between the two, I really do not know who the choice. 如果真让我在她们两个之间选择,我还真不知道自己该选择谁。
- I really do not know how to write a check,she said,with a demure sidelong glance. 我真的不清楚如何填写支票,她假装害羞地斜瞥了一眼说道
- They all look fabulously beautiful and I really do not know which one to choose now that I see them. 它们都那么漂亮,看了以后我倒真拿不定主意选哪一件了。
- Not As we are Taurus, Leo, Andromeda ...... I really do not know how you would like the ancestors! 不像我们;都是金牛座;狮子座;仙女座......真不知你们祖先怎么想的!
- I really do not know such a woman marry the edge of England striker O'Hara is also "SHUTDOWN" it? 真不知道愿意娶这样一个女子的英格兰边缘国脚奥哈拉是不是也“秀逗”了?
- A Sigh summer, slowly: "I really do not know engageEVE ISK in, how his dad so eccentric ah! 我和妻子是自由恋爱走到一起的,快乐和甜蜜一直围绕着我们平淡却幸福的日子。
- For more and more around the "Ban Diaozi" Sometimes I really do not know who is really material is expected, who is grandstanding take a shortcut. 对于身边越来越多的“半吊子”,我有时候还真不知道谁是真材实料,谁是哗众取宠走捷径。
- Is in such a large group, then that is also very suitable natural. But now no room for impurities, I really do not know if this is progress or retrogression? 就是在这样的一个大群体中,当时觉得也很适然。现在却容不得一点杂质,真不知道这是进步还是倒退?
- I really do not have any opinions about that. 我确实对此没有什么主张。
- But I really do not know whether we need this because pbr hair rendering do not need normal at all, this direction is pixar-only. 不过我依旧感到很困惑,真正的生产需求是什么,需要什么样的技术才能满足效果需求。