- Customer:I need to do something with my mop. 顾客:我需要整理我这一头乱发。
- Do I need a motive to do something nice? 我需要动机来做好事么?
- I need to do something. 你的鞋子需要洗洗了。
- If I want to do something,just do it,the result must be seen by other people,and that is a taste.I am nearly 20 years old,I need to think about my life dependently,following my own steps is necessary. 很少有过孤单的感觉了,一直以为自己是快乐的天使,以马内利修女的话语是说一心想做天使的人往往变成禽兽,这句话让我触目惊心,难道我是潜在的禽兽吗?
- I need to do some of my own research on this. 在这一项上我必须亲自做一些研究。
- I'm a new student. What do I need to do? 我是一名新生。我得做些什么?
- So all I need to do is just swipe it. 所以直接刷卡就行了。
- We need to do something about the sag. 我们须把下沉的地方修整一下。
- We need to do something to relax. 我们需要做些事情来放松放松。
- I need to do a little shopping myself. 我也要买点儿东西。
- Against Colchester I need to do that. 但对科彻斯特我需要这样做。”
- You need to do something energetic and different. 水瓶:需要做些积极的不同的事;
- Colin: I need to do some more practice then! 柯林:那我还需要再做些练习了。
- EMI certainly needs to do something. 背水而战意味着可能做些出人意料的举动。
- Betty: he needs to do something about cash flow. 贝蒂:他就必须想办法让现金能够周转。
- I need the money. And besides, when I agree to do something, I do it. 我需要钱,此外,当我答应做什么事的时候,我就会去做。
- Before I go to America,what I need to do is brush up my English. 我去美国之前,我需要做的就是温习英文。
- Do I need to reconfirm my reservation? 我预订的票需要再次确认吗?
- Rose: But I don't have time. I need to do my research. 但我没时间。我必须作研究。
- You’d need to do something like ask in Navajo or some secret code. 你得考虑用纳瓦霍语问或者跟我对密码,才有可能辨认到底是不是我。