- Your honour, I move for an adjournment. 法官阁下,我请求休会。
- I move for an amendment. 本席提议一项修正案。
- Your honour,I move for an adjournment. 法官阁下,我请求休会。
- The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case. 律师提请暂停审讯这个案件。
- We moved for an adjournment of half an hour. 我们提议休会半小时。
- I wish to move an amendment to this law. 我想提议修正这项法律条文。
- I wish to move an amendment to this law . 我想提议修正这项法律条文。
- The solicitor moved for an adjournment of the case . 律师提请暂停审讯这个案件。
- The Delegation felt that WIPO had failed in that responsibility and that was why some delegations were calling for an amendment of the WIPO Convention. 该代表团感到WIPO没有履行这一责任,这就是为什么有些代表团呼吁修改《WIPO公约》。
- Just for an instant I think he would go to refuse. 我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。
- I have the right to ask for an explanation. 我有权要求一个解释。
- I've taken my typewriter in for an overhaul. 我已把打字机拿去彻底检修了。
- I have been scouring the city for an overcoat with fur lining. 我一直在这个市里四处寻找一件毛皮里的大衣。
- I always rest for an hour after dinner. 晚饭后,我总要休息一小时。
- That representative brought forth an amendment to the press law. 那位代表提出了一项对新闻法的修正案。
- I have been hooked in for an editorial. 我硬被拉去写一篇社论。
- Instructions for the issuance of a Credit, the Credit itself, instructions for an amendment thereto, and the amendment itself, must be complete and precise. 开证指示、信用证本身、对信用证的修改指示或修改书本身均必须完整和明确。
- I would not move for all the world. 不管怎样,我都不会搬。
- I move for a mistrial. 我申请这是无效审判。
- Not for an instant did I believe he had lied. 我丝毫也不相信他撒过谎。