- I merely asked her name. 我仅问了她的名字。
- I went over(= across the room)and asked her name. 我走过去问她叫什么名字。
- She rang off before I had time to ask her name. 我还没来得及问她的名字,她就把电话挂了。
- I merely asked if you wished to amend your statement. 我只问你是否想修正你的说明。
- I asked her what her name was but she made no reply. 我问她叫什么名字,但她没有回答。
- I merely asked his name. 我只不过问问他的名字。
- He let her in after asking her name. 问过她的姓名之后就放她进来。
- At the end of our conversation, as I inadvertently asked her name, another incredible thing happened. 当我们谈话告一段落即将告别时,我突然询问了她的名字,不可思议的事又发生了,原来她和我也有同名之缘!
- Ashley arrives on leave, and Scarlett again takes him aside to say she loves him. Ashley merely asks her to care for Melanie, who is now pregnant. 卫希礼放假来到亚特兰大,郝思嘉再度把他拉到一旁对他表白。卫希礼只交待她要照顾好怀有身孕的梅兰妮。
- During that event Jiang Qing had asked her name and she had replied, "Hu Bingbing", a gibe name that means "very mild. 这时,我看她的白色短袖衬衫上有血迹,后来,才从传闻中听说,原来打她们的棍子头端是钉着铁钉的。
- I know her face but I can't call her name to mind. 我认得她,但想不起她的名字了。
- I merely suggest you should do it again. 我只是建议你重新做这件事。
- I asked her if she had any rooms to let. 我问她有没有房间出租。
- When people ask her what her name is, she always answers Xinyuan Yao instead of Yuanyuan.I guess subconsciously Yuanyuan wants to show her independence. 但外人问她叫什么名字,她总是说姚心苑而不说苑苑,大概潜意识里她觉得姚心苑更像个大人。
- I have it in mind to ask her advice when I see her. 我打算见到她时徵求她的意见。
- I asked her to crochet a shawl for me. 我请求她给我钩一条围巾。
- I have her name on the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- I found that her name had been struck off. 我发现她的名字已被删去。
- I have her name at the tip of my tongue. 她的名字就在我嘴边,却说不出来。
- Every time I ask her to set the date, she stall. 我每次让她定一个日期,她总是拖延。