- I live on Ninth Avenue. 我住在第九大街上。
- I live on the same street as Peter. 我和彼得住在同一条街上。
- Kathy: Yeah, I live on Sherwood, too! 凯西:对,我也住在西华街!
- I live on the ground floor of a block of flats. 我住在公寓大楼的底楼。
- I am so broke. How will I live on 10 yuan a day? 我破产了。一天10元,我怎么生活呢?
- I live on the twelfth floor of a building. 我住在一幢大楼的12层,
- Where do you live? I live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。
- And I live on a day-to-day basis. 我也每天都生活在这种生活之中。
- Mike: I live on the other side of town. 麦克:我住在城镇的另一头。
- I live on the ninth floor. I'm not afraid of burglars breaking into my window. 我住在九楼。我不担心盗窃者从我的窗户口闯入。
- I live on a bus route so I can easily get to work. 我家就在一条公共汽车线路上,所以我去上班很方便。
- I live on the money from my first book. 我靠我第一本书赚的钱生活。
- A: I live On Wolung Street. Taipei! 答:我住在台北市卧龙街。
- I live on all the continents except Antarctica. 除了南极洲,我住在世界上所有的陆地上。
- I live on my own earnings with it. 我用它来补贴生活费用。
- Marcus: Well four or five. I live on junk food. 马卡斯:四或五个而已,我吃垃圾食物维生。
- I live on a bend of the Yellow river. 我家住在黄河的河湾处。
- I live on this reef a long,long way from here. 我住在离这里很远很远的一块大堡礁上.
- I live on bread and water at school. 我在学校时过着粗茶淡饭的生活。
- The car sped up to Ninth Avenue and turned downtown. 汽车向第九路飞驰,然后又转向闹市区。