- I like to drink decaf. 我喜欢喝decaf。
- I like to drink a cup of coffee every morning. 我喜欢每天晚上喝一杯咖啡。
- I like to drink tea without milk. 我喜欢喝没加牛奶的茶。
- I like to drink with my friends. 我喜欢同朋友们一起喝酒。
- P: I like to drink cold water. Could I have cold water? 我喜欢喝凉水,有凉水吗?
- I don't like to drink instant coffee. 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。
- After a week's work I like to retreat to the country to relax. 工作一周之後,我喜欢躲到乡下松弛一下。
- I like to drink coconut juice. 我喜欢喝椰子汁。
- I like to curl up with a story book. 我喜欢蜷曲而卧着看故事书。
- I like to eat cucumber sandwiches. 我喜欢吃有黄瓜的三明治。
- I like to go to the opera now and then. 我喜欢偶尔去看歌剧。
- We like to drink suds together every Friday night. 星期五晚上我们喜欢聚在一起喝啤酒。
- I like to have my reference book within my reach. 我喜欢把参考书放在随手拿得到的地方。
- I like to read China Daily on my way home. 我喜欢在回家的途中阅读《中国日报》。
- I like to watch TV programs which are about sports. 我喜欢观赏有关运动的电视节目。
- I like to go for a walk in the snowy streets. 我喜欢去雪中的街道上散步。
- He likes to drink red wine at supper. 他喜欢在晚饭时喝红葡萄酒。
- I like to drink Sagres lager, London Pride, Guinness in winter, or Doom Bar beer in Rock in Cornwall. 冬天我喜欢喝萨格里什啤酒, 伦敦的骄傲, 吉尼斯纪录,或者毁灭酒吧啤酒。
- I like to sit back and rest in the evenings. 我喜欢在晚上什麽也不做,好好休息。
- My name is KenWu,I like Internet and like karaoke, travel and make friends,Occasionally like to drink. 我喜欢上网,阅读,唱K,旅游和交友,偶尔喜欢喝点酒,这些也许是缺点,但优点也很多,等你来发现。