- I know the working busy. 我知道工作的繁忙.
- I know the work: It's not so difficult as you said. 我知道这工作没你所说的那么艰难。
- Stop piling it on. I know the work: it's not so difficult as you said. 别夸张了!我知道这工作没你所说的那么艰难。
- I know the work: it's not so difficult as you say. 我知道这工作没你所说的那么艰难。
- I know from my own experience how difficult the work can be. 从我自己的经验我明白这项工作会有多难。
- I've just had a brainwave; I know the answer! 我刚才灵机一动,找到了答案!
- I know the film will make a hit. 我知道这部电影会受欢迎。
- It so happens that I know the man. 碰巧我认识那个人。
- I know the medicine taste nasty, but drink it down. 我知道药味很苦,不过还是一口灌下去吧。
- I know the monkey on his back can't be removed by any means. 我知道他的毒瘾是啥法子也除不掉的。
- I hesitate about taking his side until I know the whole story. 我在知道这事以前犹豫是否支持他。
- I know the protoplasm is the basis of all animals and plants. 我知道原生质是动物和植物的基础。
- I have been to the country before, so I know the rope. 以前我去过那个国家,所以知道那里的情况。
- I know he hasn't finished the work,but after all,he is very busy. 我知道他未完成这项工作,但是要记住,他可是个忙人。
- Accustom as I am to public speaking, I know the futility of it. 我虽然习惯公开演讲,但我却知道那是枉费心机的。
- Robert is a willing horse and I know he'll try his best to do all the work we give him. 罗伯特是个乐于干活的人。我知道他会尽自己最大努力做好我们给他的工作的。
- When I knew the work of the department thoroughly,I was moved to the next department. 当我熟悉了这个部门的工作之后,又被调到另一个部门。
- I know the reason whereat you are displeased. 我知道你为什么不快。
- In the hand i known the work is no inportant..In the other hand i not feel astrict any more. 一方面我知道我的工作并不重要;另一方面我不会感到束缚.
- I know he hasn't finished the work,but,after all,he is a very busy man. 我知道他没做完工作。但你本应记得他是个大忙人。