- I kind of expected it. 我多少预料到
- His enquiry wore a ghastly cloak of supposed superiority and rank, which I kind of expected, as I was a mere first year student at that particular time. 他询问的语气仿佛都透著股优越感和居高临下的感觉,这个我早有心理准备,因为当时我还只是个新生而已。
- I kind of liked it your way, how you shyly placed your eyes on me. 我有些喜欢你的方式,你羞涩的看我的眼神,
- I kind of liked it your way that you shyly placed your eyes on me. 我总是喜欢你那看着我的害羞的眼神。
- Uh-oh. I kind of bought you one. 糟糕。幸亏我还买了一个给你。
- OK, in fact I kind of like the last pound. 实际上我非常舍不得这最后一磅,好不?
- Not really a cat person myself. I kind of prefer dogs. You know? 我自己不是很喜欢猫,我更喜欢狗?
- Ever since I lived in Firenze, I kind of lost my heart to Italy. 自从我住过佛罗伦萨,我就被意大利迷住了。
- Patrick: Well uh, I kind of fell in love with her that night. 帕特里克:好地哈,那个晚上我似乎有点爱上她了。
- So I kind of look at it and find it fascinating rather than upsetting. 所以我觉得它很动人,而不是沮丧。
- It's not so much that PJ Harvey's songs don't work, I kind of don't need them. 并不是说PJHarvey的歌不能用,而是我觉得有点那个。
- A: Jack, you know, I kind of want to keep my VCR for now. 你知道吗?我暂时有点想留着我的录像机。
- I hate to say it but our secretary is kind of a bimbo. 我尽管不太想说,但秘书确实有点傻里傻气。
- Oh, I'm sorry. Annie called and I kind of forgot about you. 噢,真对不起。安妮打来所以不小心就忘了你。
- And I kind of ask myself why Buddha spoke the Dharma of repentance. 我曾试著问自己,佛陀为什么要说忏悔法呢?
- He wants to go to the Riviera,I kind of lean towards Niagara Falls. 他想去里维拉,而我挺想去尼亚加拉瀑布。
- Mambo: I kind of go for these power-mad, villainous, evil women. 我多少有点哈这类崇尚权力、缺德的邪恶女人。
- Why you should expect it through the person of a steamy, devoted, often tiresome Jewess to find this kind of thing? 你为什么希望通过一个浑身冒着热气,忠心耿耿,却常常令人讨厌的犹太女人来发现这种东西?
- Jack, you know, I kind of want to keep my VCR for now. 你知道吗?我暂时有点想留着我的录像机。
- It is some kind of plastic made to imitate iron. 这是一种塑胶,但外观仿制得像铁。