- I immediately took to Alan. 我立刻喜欢上了艾伦。
- I immediately take it, reluctant decontrol. 我立刻抱着它,舍不得放开。
- The thief immediately took to his heels at the sound of the approaching foot. 小偷一听到走近的脚步声,拔腿便跑。
- I immediately took her to live with me and my family so that she could share a vegetarian diet with us. 我听了之后立刻接她过来同住,以便全家一起吃素。
- I immediately took it into my DC. The flash of photographing informed the throng and they were marvelled as well. 我马上将其摄入相机。闪光灯让游人也注意到了这件艺术品,都纷纷驻足惊叹。
- I took to her the moment I met her. 我一见到她就立刻对她产生了好感。
- I immediately took down my quilt and rushed towards the entrance in the falling rain, without bothering to take the chair. 我第一时间将丝棉被收下来,抱着棉被,雨点已纷降,来不及收椅子了。
- I took to my new boss immediately. 我立刻对新老板产生了好感。
- The teens immediately took to writing their text messages and e-mails in pidgin Swedish. 青少年们立马又转向用洋泾浜的瑞典语写手机短信和电子邮件。
- I didn't take to her husband at all. 我对她丈夫毫无好感。
- I immediately began to quiver with fright. 他的脑袋就像是山顶上的庙宇,就像北海公园山上的白塔。
- I had to take to my bed with a bad cold last week. 上周我重伤风,只好卧病在床。
- When the pilot landed, he was immediately taken to a police station. 飞机驾驶员着陆后立即被带往警察局。
- The girl talking to Alan has blonde hair. 跟艾伦讲话的那个女孩长着金黄色的头发。
- Our planes immediately took off to intercept them. 我们的飞机立即起飞截击。
- Percy went to Alan's house in the forest. 佩西来到艾伦在森林中的房子里。
- I hop you will take to heart the warning you have been given. 我希望你能认真考虑人家给你的告诫。
- The Spaniards did not immediately take to "Cobi", the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona, who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal. 科比,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会吉祥物,由西班牙漫画家扎维尔玛瑞斯克设计。
- The worker who had been hit by a truck was immediately taken to a nearby hospital by several passers-by. 被卡车撞倒的哪个工人立刻被几个路过的人送进了一家附近的医院。
- I was taken to task for arriving late. 由于迟到我受到了责备。