- I hereby certify that the information provided voluntarily. 兹证明上述资料由本人自愿提供。
- I hereby certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. 本人在此声明,尽我所知,以上所填写的资料是真实的。
- I hereby certify that I have read this document, understand and agree to comply with its contents. 我证明我已经阅读过此文件,了解且同意按照按此文件执行。
- I hereby certify that all the contents of this Declaration Form have been agreed to and signed by in person. 兹证明前列声明书内容确属声明人本人之意思并亲自签字属实无讹。
- I hereby certify that the above measures have been drawn up to ensure ongoing compliance, between inspections, with the requirements listed in Part I. 我特此证明为确保检查之间持续符合第I部分所列的要求而制订了上述措施。
- I hereby certify that all the information given on this form is correct and complete, and agree to abide by the conditions of loan. 兹证明上述资料均正确无讹,并无遗漏,并愿意遵守有关的借用规则。
- I hereby certify that the participants/My team can swim 50 meters in light clothing and in healthy physical to participate the captioned event. 本人谨证明参赛者能和衣游泳50米,体格健全以参加此项赛事;
- I (The applicant) understand and agree to the above clause. I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge all information finished on this form is complete and accurate. 本人(申请人)已详细阅读及完全明白同意申请安泰达奖学金计划条款。所提供之有关资料均正确无误。
- I hereby certify that the said (name of the party who was unable to sign) was unable to sign this certificate owing to *the state of health/*[other ground as may be applicable]. 本人现核证上述(不能签署的一方的姓名)由于*健康状况/*[适用的其他理由]而不能在本证书上签署。
- I hereby certify that... 兹证明...无误
- I hereby certify that XX was a student of XX major of XX Department and, having completed the four years' courses from Sep.1997 through Jul. 2001 and fulfilled all the requirements prescribed by the Department, graduated form XX University in July 2001. 学生XX于一九九七年九月至二零零一年七月,在本校计算机科学工程系计算机应用专业肆年制本科就读,修业期满,成绩合格,准予毕业。
- I hereby certify that XX, female, has completed the four-month course of training in Intermediate English Interpretation from September, 1999 through January, 2000 and satisfied all the requirements prescribed by the teaching plan. XX,女,于一九九九年九月至二OOO年一月在英语中级口译班学习,学完教学计划规定的全部课程,成绩合格,准予结业。
- I hereby certify that XX, age 24, a student from XX, who was admitted to the English Program of XX Department in September, 1998, has completed the four years' courses and having satisfied all the requirements set by the syllabus, graduated from xx Univ. 学生XX系XX人,现年龄二十四岁,于一九九八年九月入本校XX系英语专业,学习四年,按教学计划完成全部学业,成绩及格,准予毕业,此证。
- I hereby certify that Xue Hongli, female, aged 18, a student from Shanghai, has studied in the senior section for three years (September 1999-July 2002), completed all the courses required by the syllabus, and graduated form the school. 学生薛红丽;性别 女;十八岁;上海市 人;一九九九年九月至二零零二年七月在本校高中部就读三年;按教学计划完成全部学业;成绩合格;准予毕业.
- I hereby certify that ITALY YIERSIDENG (HONGKONG) INTERNATIONAL CO.,LIMITED is this day incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance, and that this company is limited. 本人谨此证明意大利意尔斯登(香港)国际有限公司于本日在香港依据公司条例注册成为有限公司。
- I hereby certify that I have neither Overseas Chinese status nor R.O.C. nationality, as defined in Article 2 of the Nationality Law*, nor have I been an R.O.C. national in the last eight years. 本人保证不具中华民国国籍法第二条*所称中华民国国籍且未具侨生身分,或已丧失中华民国国籍满八年。
- I hereby certify that all information put down in this form is true and correct.I understand that I will be responsible for all the consequences caused by and misstatement in this application. 本人在此表格上所填写的一切资料均为真实及正确,若有隐瞒,或所提供的资料不真实,自愿接受公司的一切纪律处分。
- I hereby certify that I am neither an Overseas Chinese status nor an R.O.C. nationality, as defined in Article 2 of Nationality Law*, nor have I been an R.O.C. national in the last eight years. 本人保证不具中华民国国籍法第二条*所称中华民国国籍且未具侨生身分,或已丧失中华民国国籍满八年。
- We hereby certify that the above telex is true and correct. 意思是:兹证明上述电传内容真实无误。
- I hereby sponsor this application and certify that it is made for the purpose as stated by the applicant. 本人谨再次担保此申请人并保证实现申请者所提供的申请目的。