- But I have to get the great fear of death, to love fights. 但我必须学会畏惧死亡,学会爱上战。
- I have a million reasons to love you. 千言万语,难述我对你的衷肠。
- I have to buy a more economical stove. 我得买一个更节省燃料的火炉。
- Alas, I have grieved so I am hard to love. 怨是,爱不算,再得加上个怨。我的怨,/唉,那么深,就那么不轻易爱。可是,
- Every year I have to fight for an increase in pay. 每年我都得为加薪跟人竞争。
- Even if I have to walk all the way I'll get there. 即使一路走着去,我也得赶到那里。
- I have to admit that we need further training. 我得承认,我们还需要进一步培养。
- I have to confess to a hatred of modern literature. 我得承认我不喜欢现代文学作品。
- I have to go down to the country to see my aunt. 我得到乡下去看望我的婶婶。
- I have to wait in for the repair man. 我只得在家里等修理工。
- I'm afraid I have to part company with you there. 看来在这一点上我不敢苟同。
- All right! Sting is coming! I have to get a ticket. 好棒!斯汀要来!我得买张票!
- If I have to do it, I shall do it under protest. 如果非要我做这件事不可,我是干得不心甘情愿的。
- I have to bear with his bad habit. 我不得不忍受他的坏习惯。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
- I have to make a telephone call. 我必须打个电话。
- I have to say I'm rather pessimistic. 我得说我相当悲观。
- Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得改掉我的习惯?
- I have to consult with any partner. 我得跟我的搭档商量。
- I have to make some copy to hand out. 我需要复印一些文件以便分发。