- I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair. 我向你声明,我在这件事上从来没有说过谎。
- I have never lied to him ever since. 自那以后,我再也没对爸爸撒过谎。
- I have never made his acquaintance. 我与他素昧平生。
- I have never seen a man wearing cravat. 我从来没有见过有人戴领巾。
- I have never heard such silly drivel in all my life. 我一生中从未听到过这样的蠢话。
- I have never seen an arctic bear. 我从未见过北极熊。
- I have never seen such a hive of industry! 我从来没有见过这么忙碌的工业区。
- I knew of him,but I have never talked to him yet. 我知道这个人,不过从来没有和他说过话。
- I have never voted for him, nor yet intend to. 我从未投他一票,也没打算投他一票。
- Peach Street? I am afraid I have never hear of it. 桃街?恐怕我从来没有听说过。
- I have never known him behave other than selfishly. 我只知道他一向自私自利。
- I have never seen him souse from then on. 那以後我就从来没见他喝醉过。
- I have never entertained any illusions about him. 我从来没有对他抱过幻想。
- I have never seen him in the flesh. 我从未见过他本人。
- I have never spoken nor written to her. 我跟她从来没说过话,也没写过信。
- I have never seen a nag like this one. 我从来没见过这样的矮小马。
- I have never tasted the sweets of success. 我从未尝到过成功的快乐。
- I'll tell you a secret that I have never told a living soul. 我要告诉你一个我从未告诉过任何人的秘密。
- Jim and I have never seen eye to eye on this matter. 我和吉姆对此事的意见从来就不一致。
- I had never imagined anything like that. 我从未想象过这样的事。