- I hate to trouble him. 我真不想去麻烦他。
- I hate to trouble you, but could I use your phone? 我不愿麻烦你,但我能用一下你的电话吗?
- I hate to trouble you, but I have a question to ask you. 我不愿意麻烦你,但我有个问题要问你。
- I hate troubling (or to trouble) him. 我真不想麻烦他。
- I hate to see the kids batting around the streets. 我不愿看到孩子们满街闲逛。
- I hate to be given the silent treatment. 我讨厌遭受无言的冷遇。
- I hate to trouble you on such short notice, but I've got to talk about my salary. 我实在不愿这样仓促前来麻烦你,但我必须跟你谈谈薪水的事。
- I hate to have my boss standing over me. 我不喜欢上司监督我。
- I hate troubling/ to trouble the director. 我不想去麻烦局长。
- I hate to squabble with my wife about money. 我厌恶为钱的事兴太太争吵。
- I hate to trouble the old man today because I hate troubling old people. 我今天不愿打扰那位老人,因为我一向不愿打扰老年人。
- To tell you the truth, I hate to do it. 老实告诉你,我不愿意做这事。
- I hate to spring this on you at such short notice. 很抱歉,向你突如其来提出这件事。
- I hate to trouble you. 我真不愿麻烦你。
- An hallucination began to trouble him. 一种幻觉开始折磨他。
- I hate to see all those girls drooling over the singer. 看到所有那些女孩子封那歌星过份动感情地表示喜爱,我很反感。
- I hate to say it but our secretary is kind of a bimbo. 我尽管不太想说,但秘书确实有点傻里傻气。
- I hate troubling / to trouble the director. 我不想去麻烦局长。
- I hate to see her misusing her time like that. 我不愿看到她把时间用在不正当的事情上。
- It is not only useless to trouble him but it is needless to do so. 去麻烦他既没有用处,也没有必要。