- I had to use force in opening the door. 我不得不用力开那一扇门。
- Pardon me, I have to use the john. 对不起,我要到洗手间去一下。
- I always miss when I have to use a forehand swipe. 每当我正手拍侧击时,总是失误。
- I had to use bricks to prop up my broken bed. 我的床坏了,必须用砖头支撑起来。
- I couldn't find any tacks, so I had to use tape. 一个图钉也找不到,我只好用带子了。
- I had to use a knife as a makeshift screwdriver. 我不得不勉强使用小刀作为螺丝刀。
- I lost the instruction book and so I had to find out how to use the machine by trial and error. 我把说明书丢失了,结果只得通过不断摸索才弄懂怎样使用这部机器。
- Why do I have to use MYIE2 plugin? 为什么我要用MYIE2插件?
- I'd like to work somewhere I have to use my brain. 我想到一个需要用脑的地方工作。
- I have to use so many qualifying phrases. 我得精心选择许多无可挑剔的短语。
- I have to use Skeleton Fire on you. 白晶晶:看来我不用三昧白骨火你是不会承认的!
- Rebecca: I have to use the employees entrance. 丽贝卡:我要从员工入口进去。
- Why do I have to use the cashier envelope? 在前台接待换班时都应使用现金信封。
- I have to use crutches if I need to move around. 我如果要走动,必须用拐杖。
- I had to use my car but I ran the risk of being prosecuted because it wasn't taxed. 我只能用我的车了,但我得冒一次被起诉的危险,因为这辆车没有上过税。
- I had to use a toothpick to remove the food that was stuck between the teeth. 我不得不用牙签除去嵌在牙缝的食物。
- About the music, i have to use the 'F' work to describe. 睇完电影一定要听多一次。是吧,小御姐。
- Do I Have to Use Macromedia's Development Tools to Use ColdFusion? /我是不是只能用Macromedia's Development Tools来使用ColdFusion?
- My shirt was so dirty that I had to use bleach on it. 我的衬衫太脏了,我得用漂白剂漂一下。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。