- I have racked my brain. I have racked my brain for this things. 为了这件事情,我已经绞尽了脑汁。
- I had cudgeled my brain for this . 我已经绞尽了脑汁。
- I'd like to work somewhere I have to use my brain. 我想到一个需要用脑的地方工作。
- I had no idea I had so much wisdom swilling around my brain. 我真不知道我脑子里怎么有那么多的智慧在打转转。
- I have to lie down for an hour after lunch to rest my brain. 我午饭后必须躺一小时使脑子得到休息。
- There is one word that I have to rub into my brain: confidence. 有个词我必须记在脑子里:自信。
- If I had my way, I'd go to the movies tonight. 假如我做得到的话,我今晚会去看电影。
- My lame excuse is that I have too much to do. 我那站不住脚的借口就是我要干的事太多了。
- I felt bad that I had not done my duty. 我很难过,我没有履行自己的职责。
- I had a stand-up row with my boss today. 今天我跟上司大吵了一顿。
- I had done my possible to satisfy the customers. 我已经尽了最大的努力以使顾客满意。
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。
- I had rather go on a picnic with my girl friend. 我宁愿和我的女朋友去野炊。
- I had to scratch my head to remember his name. 我只想苦苦地回忆他的名字。
- I spent what little time I had with my family. 我仅有的那一点时间都与家人在一起度过了。
- I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要处理。
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
- I have a snag in my best black tights. 我最好的一条黑裤袜给划破了。