- I felt a deep sadness. 我感到深深的悲痛。
- I felt a certain indisposition to face reality. 我多少有些不愿意面对现实。
- I felt a little queasy on the ship. 我在船上觉得有点晕眩想呕吐。
- I felt a certain reluctance to tell her the news. 我不太愿意告诉她这个消息。
- I feel a need to talk to you about it. 我觉得有必要跟你谈谈那件事。
- As we talked, I felt a joy I could not restrain. 我们交谈时,我感到一种无法抑制的高兴情绪。
- I feel a little cool in the autumnal night. 在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。
- I feel a dull pain in the stomach. 我觉得胃部隐隐作痛。
- The droning change into a deep buzzing and I am suddenly lifting free, I feel a slight falling, buzzing sensation. 嗡嗡声变为一种深沉的轰鸣,我突然感到在自由地往上升,我又有轻微的下落和嗡嗡响的感觉。
- I felt a stab of pain in the back. 我背部感到一阵剧痛。
- I felt a perverse desire to accept his challenge. 他向我挑战,我就偏要应战。
- I feel a bit hung-over this morning. 今天早上我因宿醉而略感不适。
- I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round. 我觉得有人扯我的袖子,便转过身来。
- Herzog felt a deep, dizzy eagerness to begin. 赫索格感到一种深切而晕眩的渴望又开始了。
- I feel a twinge in my back now and again. 我不时感到背痛。
- Tipper and I feel a deep gratitude to Joe and Hadassah Lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doors not just for our campaign but for our country. 蒂佩尔和我对乔和哈达莎·利伯曼夫妇铭感五中,他们为我俩的伙伴关系带来恳切的热诚和崇高的心志,不仅为竞选活动开辟了新径,也为我国开辟了新径。
- I feel a bit rough I'm going to bed. 我有点儿不舒服--想去睡觉了。
- She felt a deep urge to write about them. 她迫切想写他们的事迹。
- I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我对她怀有一定程度的同情。
- I feel a bit tired. However, I can hold on. 我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。