- I feel pain when urinating. 我排尿时痛。
- Even now when I think about it I feel pain in my heart. 就是现在想起来我心里都感到难受。
- Women may not have any symptoms, or they may feel pain or a burning sensation when urinating, or they may see a yellow-greenish discharge from the vagina. 妇女可能没有任何症状;也可能感到疼痛或排尿时有灼热感;或是看到黄绿色的阴道排出.
- I feel pain toward the end of urination. 排尿结束时疼。
- D. We began to feel pain when torture developed in history. 我们在历史上出现酷刑的时候开始感觉到疼痛。
- Compassion is what makes a person feel pain when somebody else hurts. 怜悯就是当一个人看到别人受伤时能感觉那份痛楚。
- Since I had enteritis and I felt pain suddenly. 就系因为条横吖肠突然间发炎一痛。
- I feel painful because of the rips. 因为手上肌肉撕裂,我感到很痛苦。
- I have a burning pain (sharp pain) when urinating. 我排尿时有灼热感(刺痛感)。
- Who continues to feel pain when there is no forgiveness: the offender or the offended? 当不饶恕的时候,是谁继续感受到痛苦:伤害人者还是被伤害者?
- Abdominal pain or pain when urinating 腹痛或者小便痛
- Yes, I can, but I feel painful every time I move it. 是的,可以动,但动时感到痛。
- I feel pain for that snow, Let us come back when the group of boys, is already doing sled tow the boat's games. 我替那雪团感到疼,再回看时,那群男孩子,已然做着雪橇拉纤的游戏了。
- I felt painfully, my white has flown away. 我痛苦地感到,我的"白天鹅"飞走了。
- Now I know where to go when I feel homesick. 现在我知道想家的时候该去哪儿了。
- The pain usually becomes more obvious at night that interferes with sleep, or the patient may feel painful when sleeping on the affected side. 起初,肩关节部位出现痛楚,渐渐疼痛加剧,甚至影响患者不能侧睡向痛肩的一方。
- Do you feel burning when urinating? 小便时有类似灼烧痛?
- Do you feel any pain when I press here? 我按这儿疼吗?
- I feel a dull pain in the stomach. 我觉得胃部隐隐作痛。
- Do you feel the pain when I press here? 我按这里您觉得疼吗?