- I eat my soup with spoon,haha. 你是用左手还是右手喝汤呢?
- Generally, I eat my favorite foods. 我一般吃自己喜欢吃的食物。
- She ate soup with a silver spoon. 她用银匙喝汤。
- A present from Aunty Ena to wear as I eat my radioactive meal for one. 将它包装得似锦、如花。
- I ate my scrambled eggs and bitter marmalade with the zest which in youth follows a restless night. 我带着一夜没睡的青年人的好胃口吃着炒鸡蛋和苦味的果酱。
- Stir the soup with a spoon, if it's too hot. 汤要是太热,用匙子搅搅。
- I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava-try. On Wednesdays I go shoppin'And have buttered scones for tea. 我砍树,我吃午餐,我上厕所,到了星期三就去血拼,买了奶油松糕做我的茶点心!
- I eat with my little mouth, little mouth. 我用我的小嘴巴,小嘴巴来吃食物。
- Please drink the soup with a spoon. 请用汤匙喝汤。
- As I eat my meals at the hawker centre, I would try to lookout for him.My eyeballs would be searching for him no matter what. 每一回傍晚在小贩中心用餐时,我都会留意这个人,不是故意的,但我的眼球就是很习惯地要找他。
- I was really in the soup with my clients last month. 上个月我真的是陷入了与客户的困境之中。
- What should I find in my soup but a silver coin? 我在羹汤中找到的,竟是一个银币?
- Thur - the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands, wears off in the bowl when I eat my meal, and passes away before my day-dreaming gaze as reflect in silence. 于是----洗手的时候,日子从水盆里过去;吃饭的时候,日子从饭碗里过去;默默时,并从凝然的双眼前过去。
- I eat my lunch outside, sitting on a warm brick wall.The breeze lifts my hair and riffles the edge of my skirt.I have to squint.Everything tastes better. 我坐在外面一堵晒暖的砖墙上吃午饭,微风撂起我的发梢,裙摆随风起伏,阳光下我得眯着眼睛,吃什么都觉得更可口了。
- They were all sea-sick,but I ate my dinner as usual,from the egg to the apple. 他们全都晕船,但我照常吃饭,从头吃到尾。
- Something is wrong with my stomach. did I eat something bad ? 我的肚子有点不对劲,是不是吃了什么不新鲜的东西?
- I always thicken my soups by adding flour. 我总是加面粉将汤调浓。
- I ate with a plastic spoon from a plastic plate on a plastic table. 我在一张塑料的桌子上用着一个塑料的碟子、一只塑料的汤匙在吃着。
- I eat vegetables because my conscience revolts against killing animals. 我吃蔬菜,因为我从良心上对杀生感到厌恶。
- I'd like to have the onion soup with parmesian cheese. 洋葱帕尔玛干酪汤。