- I completely disagree. 我完全不同意。
- I completely disagree with you. 我完全不赞同你的观点。
- 41 To a translator, when being surrounded by gesticulating Italian journalists - 'Just tell them I completely disagree with everything they say!' 当被一群手舞足蹈的意大利记者包围着时,香克利告诉翻译:“告诉他们,中我完全不同意他们所说的一切!”
- When I was ill I completely lost my appetite. 我生病时完全没有食欲。
- Was I completely off my trolley? 我是不是在异想天开?
- I completely fell under her spell. 我完全给她迷住了。
- I completely fucked up my exams. 我完全考砸了。
- I completely misunderstood her intentions. 我完全误会了她的意图。
- I'm afraid I completely misread the situation. 恐怕我完全看错了形势。
- I completely agree to your proposal. 我完全同意你的建议。
- I completely agree with your views on the question. 我完全同意你对这个问题的看法。
- I completely agree with your views on this point. 在这一点上,我完全同意你的看法。
- I completely don't agree with your opinion. 我完全不同意你的看法。
- I intended to telephone but I completely forgot. 我原打算打电话的,可忘得个一干二净。
- I really apologize. I completely forgot about it. 我很抱歉。我完全忘记了。
- And I completely forgot about him af-ter that. 自那以后我彻底地把他忘记了。
- That goes for me too, I completely agree. 那个也与我有关,我完全同意。
- As soon as I complete my training, I am going to be a bank teller. 一旦我结束训练,我会成为一名银行出纳。
- I completely forgot to thank her. 我完全忘了向她道谢。
- But now I completely close to collapse. 但是,现在的我完全接近崩溃。