- I can eat no more. 我不能再吃了。
- He can no more sing than I can dance. 他不会唱歌正如我不会跳舞一样。
- I will give you no more trouble than I can help. 我一定不过多地麻烦你。
- I can do no more, the rest is down to you. 我不能继续做下去了,剩下的你来负责吧。
- I can give you no more than eighty yuan. 我至多能给你八十元。
- I do not think I can eat another bite. 我想我一口也吃不下了。
- I can no more play the violin than you can. 你不会拉小提琴,我也不会拉。
- I can eat neither tripe nor liver. 我既不吃肚也不吃肝。
- Content you; I can no more, on my salvation. 你们也该知足了,我已经尽了我最大的能力;我敢起誓。
- He can no more speak Chinese than I can. 他和我一样不会说中文。
- I can eat only 1500 calories a day on this diet. 按这个节食法,我每天只能吃一千五百卡路里。
- I can give you no more advice than this. 我不能再多给你什么建议了。
- I can eat only1500 calories a day on this diet. 按这个节食法,我每天只能吃一千五百卡路里。
- I can learn no more than 20 words a day at best. 我一天顶多能学20个字。
- They heap much food on my plate beyond I can eat. 他们在我的盘子上堆了很多食物,我吃都吃不完。
- I can make sure they mock mistress Mala no more? 我能确定他们再也不会嘲笑女主人玛拉了?
- He ate no more than a piece of bread for breakfast. 他早餐仅吃了一块面包。
- Don't throw away that mantou. I can eat it. 不要把馒头扔了,给我吃。
- I can eat thirty dumplings at a time. 我一次能吃三十个饺子。
- I can no more do that than anyone else. 我做的不如其他任何人。