- I can do the translation with the aid of a dictionary. 我能借助于字典进行翻译。
- I can do the work standing on my head. 我可以不花吹灰之力干好那工作。
- I'm confident that I can do the job well. 我有把握做好这份工作。
- I'm fairly certain I can do the job. 我有相当把握能干这项工作。
- I can do the translating. 我来翻译。
- I can do the cowboy accent.Howdy, partner! |我还能学牛仔口音 你好,伙计!
- I can do the size, but not the color. 我们有这尺寸,但没有这颜色。
- I can do the size,but not the color. 我们有这尺寸,但没有这颜色。
- If need be, I can do extra work at the weekend. 必要时我可以在周末加班。
- OH, maybe i can do the remittance during the resting time of lecture! 哦,对了,中午的时候休息可以去附近的银行!
- What I can do is to try my bese to request myself to do the right thing. 始终游离在上方,无法找到一个可以归属的根基。
- I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days. 在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。
- Only one person can do the job, namely you. 只有一个人能做这项工作,那就是你。
- I can do nothing. I am just a small potato here. 我干不了什么事,我在这里不过是个小卒子而已。
- I think I can do with one more piece. 我想我还能再吃一块。
- I wonder what I can do about improving my grades. 我不知道能用什么办法提高自己的学习成绩。
- I spend one hour to study the basic method. I think I can do the best. 小时去熟练溜冰的基本方法。我觉得自己在运动方面还是挺好的!
- I can do the plan as much as you f***arate,but the facts can not be changed. 你可以照你喜爱的那样做出计划,但是事实是无法改变的。
- I get up early so that I can do some exercises. 我早起为的是能锻炼一下身体。