- I bid two hearts. 我叫两红心。
- I bid two spades. 我叫二黑桃。
- What am I bid for this old book? 这本旧书;给我出什么价?
- Mary cried when i bid her farewell. 我向玛丽道别的时候,她哭了。
- I bid 1000 dollars for that picture. 我对那幅画出价1000美元。
- I bid four dollars for that picture. 那幅画我出价4美元。
- Patient: Qutie all right, only I can feel two hearts beating inside me. 病人:十分好,只是我能感觉到我体内有两颗心脏在跳动。
- I bid ten dollars for that picture. 那幅画我出价十元。
- What am I bid (for this painting)? (这幅画)给我个价, 诸位愿意出多少钱?
- The two hearts are worrying about each other. 两个心儿互相牵
- I bid you stand ! Men of the west ! 我命令你们坚持住!西方的勇士们!
- Then the two hearts beating each to each! 还没有两颗紧贴着的心跳得响!
- Distance make two hearts nearer. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。
- Two hearts with accurate devotions . 两颗心都怀着绝对的虔诚.
- Two hearts,two hearts that beat as one. 两颗心合着一个节拍;这爱情青春常在.
- Patient: Quite all right, only I can feel two hearts beating inside me. 病人:十分好,我能感觉到我体内有两颗心脏在跳动。
- Mr. X bid 20 pounds for the horse so I bid 21 pounds. 某先生出20英镑买这匹马,所以我出21英镑。
- PETRUCHIO. Now knock when I bid you, sirrah villain! 彼特鲁乔:我叫你打你就打,混账东西。
- Auctioneer:What am I bid for this charming 12 piece tea-set? 拍卖商:这一套精致的12件茶具应该出多少价钱呢?
- Many valentine cards show an arrow piercing two hearts. 许多情人节卡片上都会有一箭穿两心的图案。