- I'm feeling a bit queer -- perhaps I ate too much. 我感到有点不舒服--也许吃得太多了。
- I ate too much candy. I have a toothache. 我吃了太多的糖果。牙齿在痛哩。
- I' m feeling a bit queer -- perhaps I ate too much. 我感到有点不舒服--也许吃得太多了。
- I ate too much and had a day off work but I piled it on thick and told them I had food poisoning. 我吃得太多了而一天没去上班,但我却言过其实地对他说我食物中毒了。
- Ma skin breaks out if I eat too much chocolate. 如果吃太多巧克力我的皮肤就会过敏。
- If I eat too much food, I'll feel sleepy. 如果我吃太多的食物,我将感觉很困。
- Tiny whispered to Keyop, "I ate too much," then squeezed the sides of the tomato so it vomited out a mixture of juice and seeds and pulp. / 极小的耳语到 Keyop," 我吃太多 ", 然后紧握了蕃茄的边因此它 vomited 出自一个汁和种子的混合而且化成纸浆。
- I ate too many wild berries at the picnic last week, and I broke out in a rash. 我上星期野餐时吃了太多的野果,之后我突然得了皮疹。
- I ate too much candy. 我吃了太多的糖果。
- I eat too much because I ‘ m depressed , and I ‘ m depressed because I eat too much . It ‘ s a vicious circle . . . that took years to perfect ! 我吃得太多是因为我很郁闷,我很郁闷又是因为我吃得太多办。这个恶性循环需要很多年才能纠正。
- I ate too much. 我吃得太多了。
- I eat too much again this year. 今年新年又吃得太多了。
- If you eat too much chocolate you'll get fat. 吃巧克力太多会发胖。
- I feel like eating Mac..I realised I eating too much fast food le..quite fattenin hor...haa.. 突然觉得我好像是个怀孕妇女,有那么多好想吃,好想喝。。。
- I ate too quickly and got hiccups. 我吃得太快,结果不断地打嗝。
- You eat too much candy. It's bad for your teeth. 你糖吃得太多了。这对你的牙齿不好。
- I ate too quickly and got hiccoughs. 我吃得太快,结果不停地打嗝。
- He upset his stomach by eating too much rich food. 他吃油腻东西太多,胃很难受。
- And my mum will be anxiously waiting for the verdict on her prawn rolls. Not that I can feast on them, I get rashes when I eat too many prawns. 而我妈妈则紧张的等候她的虾卷煮熟。不过我却不能大饱口褔,因为我会在吃太多虾后出红疹的。
- He was logy from eating too much. 他吃太饱,觉得昏昏欲睡。