- I ate fish with bones. 我吃带骨的鱼。
- What is happiness? Happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, we look at others gnaw bone. 幸福是什么?幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。
- The fish I ate yesterday did not agree with me. 我的肚子被昨天吃下去的鱼弄坏了。
- I feel sick I think it was that fish I ate. 我很恶心--大概是吃那鱼的缘故。
- Only two guests were invited at the wedding ceremony with who the newlyweds had a great party in a pub (they ate fish with chips). 在结婚典礼上邀请了二位客人,新婚夫妇与他们在一家酒馆举行了隆重的宴会(他们花钱吃了鱼)。
- I ate breakfast and dinner but nothing between. 我在早餐和正餐之间不吃东西。
- Be careful of the bones (when you eat fish). (吃鱼时)小心鱼刺.
- I ate some rice and meat with potatoes. 我吃了点儿米饭和土豆烧肉。
- I have been fishing with old Henry, now with God. 我曾和老亨利一起钓鱼,他现在已不在人世了。
- You were specifically warned not to eat fish. 已经特别叮嘱过你不要吃鱼。
- After a week I tired of eating fish. 我吃鱼吃了一个星期之後就腻了。
- I'm feeling a bit queer -- perhaps I ate too much. 我感到有点不舒服--也许吃得太多了。
- She flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar. 她用糖和醋给鱼调味。
- I ate mine for snack with some garlic hummus! 我吃着带有蒜末的小吃。
- General population should pay attention when eating fish with fishbone difficultly to clean up. 建议一般民众在食用鱼时,对于鱼刺多且刺不易被清除的鱼应特别小心;
- I tuned the tone of the stone phone with bone. 我用骨头调整了石质耳机的音调。
- She seasoned the fish with sugar and vinegar. 她用糖和醋给鱼调味。
- I have diarrhea. I wonder if I ate something bad yesterday. 我拉肚子,我怀疑是否昨天吃了不新鲜的东西。
- I ate ten shaomei with meat stuffing for lunch. 我午饭吃了十个肉馅的烧卖。
- When you're eating fish, look out for the bones. 吃鱼的时候,当心鱼刺。