- I am running for the open seat on the school board. 我正在参加教育委员会委员位置的公开竞选。
- A: I am running the Boston Marathon in August. 8月我要去参加波士顿的马拉松赛跑。
- I am running a temperature, and I feel sick. 我正在发烧,还觉得恶心。
- I am running Network Node Manager (NNM) 5.01. 我在运行网络节点管理器 (NNM) 5.;01。
- I feel chilly, maybe I am running a fever. 我有点发冷,没准儿发烧了。
- I am running out of the money, can you lend me some? 我的钱花光了,你能借我点吗?
- What version of the operating system should I be running? 我应该运行什么版本的操作系统?
- I was running out of fingers to stick in the dyke. 我觉得我快撑不住了。
- I wish I were running across an open field. 我真希望在原野奔跑。
- Last thing I'm member, I was running for the door. 我所记得的最后一件事,就是我跑向门口,推开那扇门。
- GIBSON PRAISE: I fell when I was running away. 吉普森普雷兹:我逃跑的时候摔倒了。
- Run. For i am running for office next year. Will you quit your job if you win? 辞职,我明年辞职。如果你能够成功那么你就辞职吗?
- In 1974, I was running for Congress. 1974年,我开始竞选国会议员。
- When I was running, I twisted my ankle?. 我跑步的时候扭到了脚踝。
- Freddie: I was running up the street to stop fight. 弗雷迪:我刚才在大街上跑,为的是阻止一次打架?
- That day on,I was gonging somewhere,I was running! 由那天开始,无论我去哪,我都跑过去。
- I decided to cab to work since I was running late. 因为有点晚了,我决定打车去上班。
- Tracey: Oh no,mum! It's nearly eight! I am running late, I gonna be in trouble. 噢,不,妈呀!快8点了!我要迟到了,要有麻烦了。
- I overspent this month and now I am running out of money to pay my rent. 这个月我的开销有些大,都快没钱交房费了!
- I was run into by a drunk driver. 我被一名酒醉的驾驶撞到。