- His wife is my daughter, in other words, I am his mother-in-law. 他妻子是我女儿,换句话讲,我是他的岳母。
- Since I am his mother, my opinion of him is naturally a prejudiced one. 因为我是他的母亲,对他的看法自然是带有偏向的。
- Why do you think I am his younger brother? 你为什么会认为我是他弟弟?
- You're right. But I am his son, Dante. 你说对了,但是我是他的儿子,但丁。做个美梦。
- In respect of age, I am his senior. 论年纪, 我比他大。
- I am such a lucky girl to be his Elise. 每张亲手刻的CD上都属有 Fur Elise.
- I am his sworn brother, his bussiness is mine. 我跟他是拜把兄弟,他的事就是我的事。
- I am his best friend, and I will always watch over him. 我是他的好朋友。我将永远照看他。
- You're right. But I am his son, Dante. Sweet dreams. 你猜对了。不过我是他的儿子,但丁。造好梦哦!
- George is number one around here and I am his number two. 乔治是这里的头号人物, 而我是他的副手。
- My lover is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies. 良人属我,我也属他。他在百合花中牧放群羊。
- He orders me about as if I was his student. 他向我发号施令就好象我是他的学生似的。
- Her father loves me as though I were his son. 她父亲很喜欢我,好象我是他的儿子。
- He talked to me as if I was his daughter. 他把我当成他女儿一样的跟我说话。
- I was his foe now he fought with his might! 而我却是他要消灭的敌人!
- Fans! Again and again, and I was his fans! 再次说一遍,我是他的!
- My boss said I was his right arm. 我老伴说我是他的好帮手。
- But I Know I Was His Golden Boy. 但我知道我是他的宝贝儿子。
- He orders me as though I were his wife. 他向我发号施令就好像我是他的妻子似的。
- He tries to control me as if I were his slave. 他要支配我,好象我是他的奴隶似的。