- Studies on biology and control of Hyperaeschra pallida Butler 黄檀丑舟蛾生物学特性及防治的研究
- Hyperaeschra pallidan. 黄檀丑舟蛾
- The Anti-inflammatory Constituents of Crotalaria pallida and Crotalaria assamica? 翁靖如(Jing-Ru Weng);曹罗悌;颜铭宏;王继平;林忠男?
- Spirochaeta pallida infection of senile sufferers were 27.72%(51/184) among all infective sufferers. 其中老年患者梅毒螺旋体阳性占总感染人数的27.;72%25(51/184)。
- Main characteristics and microscopic identification were studied on cultivated Echinacea pallida which was introduced recently in Jilin province. 采用性状观察和显微鉴定方法,对近年来吉林省引进栽培的淡紫松果菊进行了主要性状及显微鉴别研究。
- The syphilis is one kind of dissemination disease which syphilitic spirochaeta(spirochetes spirochaeta pallida causes by,is one kind of whole body chronicity infectious disease. 梅毒是由梅毒螺旋体引起的一种性传播疾病,是一种全身性慢性传染病。
- Three discomycetes, Jafnea fusicarpa, Otidea cochleata, and Sowerbyella pallida are described and illustrated. These species are first time reported from Taiwan. 摘要本文描述三种台湾的盘菌:南费盘菌、耳侧盘菌与白索氏盘菌,均为台湾新纪录。
- Iris pallida Lain. 香根鸢尾
- Kaltenbachiella pallida dongtaiensisn. 白卡绵蚜东台亚种
- Solenosteira pallida Broderip & Sowerbyn. 淡黄峨螺(骨螺超科;峨螺科)
- Diprion pallida nuclear polyhedrosis virus 苍白锯角叶蜂核型多角体病毒
- , Aconitum liaotungense Nakai, Corydalis pallida (Thunb.) 辽东乌头 Aconitum liaotungense Nakai;珠果紫堇 Corydalispallida( Thunb.;)
- Pharmacognostical studies on identification of Echinacea pallida 淡紫松果菊生药学研究
- Research and analysis on spirochaeta pallida infection of 51 senile sufferers 老年梅毒螺旋体感染51例调查与分析
- Microscopic Identification of Cultivated Echinacea pallida's Root and Fruit from Jilin Province 吉林省栽培淡紫松果菊果实和根的性状及显微鉴别研究
- Hyperaeschran. 丑舟蛾属
- Keywords Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt.;morphology;properties;microscopic identification; 淡紫松果菊;形态;性状;显微鉴别;
- Diphtherocome pallidan. 饰青夜蛾
- Notodonta ziczac pallidan. 黄白舟蛾中亚亚种
- Drepana pallida pallidan. 一点镰钩蛾指名亚种