- Hydrodictyon indicumn. 印度水网藻
- Chemical constituents from Flos Sesamum indicum L. 芝麻花化学成分的研究。
- Dendranthema indicum (L. ) Des Moul. 叶底珠 Securinega suffruticosa (Pall.;) Rehd
- Contents compare of Flavonoids in different parts of Chrysanthemum indicum L. 野菊花不同部位总黄酮含量的比较。
- Studies on the ability of Hydrodictyon reticulatum to remove nitrogen and phosphorus under different environmental condition. 在不同环境条件下对氮磷的吸收能力。
- Experimental studies on the anti-oxidation effects of water extract from Chrysanthemum indicum L. 野菊花水提液抗氧化作用的实验研究。
- Analysis of nutritional components of natural plant S. Indicum Linn. And Codonopsis Convolvulacea Kurz. 野生植物刺天茄和鸡蛋参的营养成分分析。
- In order to optimize the key factors of SRAP reaction system in sesame (Sesamum indicum L. 通过对芝麻SRAP反应体系主要影响因素进行优化,建立最佳反应体系。
- The volatile oil was extracted from Oroxylum indicum(L.)Vent by using direct distillation extraction method(DDE). 采用普通水蒸气蒸馏萃取法;对木蝴蝶中挥发油进行提取;测得木蝴蝶挥发油含量为1.;99%25;
- This is a huge stone Ephemera strigata indicum, as a result of pillow-shaped, and named. 这是一块巨大的蜒蝣石,因形如枕,故名。
- Definition: Black Sesame is the dried ripe seed of Sesamum indicum L. (Fam.Pedaliaceae). 本品为脂麻科植物脂麻 Sesamum indicum L.;的干燥成熟种子。
- A tropical Asian plant (Sesamum indicum) bearing small, flat seeds used as food and as a source of oil. 芝麻:一种热带的亚洲植物(胡麻胡麻属),结可食用或炼油的小的扁平种籽
- Evaluation of Toxicity on Oncomelania hupensia of Saponin Components in Nerium indicum Mill., Pterocarya stenoptera DC., And Rumex japonicum Houtt. 夹竹桃、枫杨、羊蹄皂甙类成分灭螺活性分析。
- The concentrations of NH3-N, BOD5 and TP in net bag decreased by 15.6%, 28.5% and 7.5% respectively in comparison with control site. Hydrodictyon can be applied to purify source water in winter as ecological-engineering measure. 与对照测点比较;网袋内氨氮、生化需氧量和总磷的浓度分别下降了15.;6%25、28
- The results show that cladophora has a fast growth rate and good effect on water quality indices shch as ammonia-nitrogen and BOD5, and that, like hydrodictyon, it can be applied to purify water. 从刚毛藻的生长实验和水质监测结果看,刚毛藻生长速度快,对氨氟和生化需氧量等水质指标有较高的转化率和去除率,与水网藻一样,也可作为去除水体中氮、磷以净化水质的藻种。
- Ingredients: Snake gall, bezoar, tanshinone, pearl, Szechwan gentian, muscardine silkworm, chrysanthemum indicum, mint, honeysuckle and etc. 成份:蛇胆、牛黄、丹参酮、珍珠、川黄莲、僵蚕、山野菊花、薄荷、金银花等中药成份。
- Chrysanthemum indicum is the common Chinese herbal medicine,performing heat-clearing and detoxicating,expelling wind and calming the liver functions. 野菊花是常用的中草药,具有清热解毒、疏风平肝等功效。
- Methods Eupatorium,ilex asprella,adina rubella and chrysanthemum indicum in compound eupatorium syrup were identified by TLC. 方法采用薄层色谱法鉴别复方土牛膝糖浆中的广东土牛膝、岗梅、水杨梅、野菊花。
- Abstract: Objective To investigate the antitussive, expectorant effects of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. (OIV) and its pharmacological mechanism. 目的研究木蝴蝶的镇咳祛痰药理作用。