- Method Lumbar puncture was performed in 20 hybridized adult dogs from Chongqing. 方法20只重庆成年杂交犬行腰椎穿刺。
- Keywords Hybridized adult dogs;Lumbar puncture;Intracranial pressure;Cerebrospinal fluid; 成年杂交犬;腰椎穿刺;颅内压;脑脊液;
- Hybridized adult dogs 成年杂交犬
- Our most powerful adult dog formula. 我们的最有力的成年狗公式。
- In adult dogs it is most commonly seen in large spayed females. 成年犬中,该疾病最常见于大型的绝育母犬。
- Some adult dogs and cats are not capable of digesting large amounts of milk. 一些成人狗和猫不是能消化很多牛奶。
- Method: Eight male adult dogs underwent extraction of the mand ible third、 fourth premolar and first molar. 方法:8只成年雄性杂种狗,拔除双侧下颌第三、前磨牙和第一磨牙。
- The mean average weight of adult dogs, in fair condition, is 90 pounds, and of adult bitches 80 pounds. 一般,在正常条件下,成年雄性的平均体重约为 90 磅;成年雌性的平均体重约为 80 磅。
- Methods:Three adult dogs received laser surgery separately on lower little tuber,punctum and lacrimal cyst. 方法:三只成年狗用激光分别点击了泪小点,泪小管,泪囊。
- The mean average height of adult dogs is 26 inches, and of adult bitches 24 inches. 一般,成年雄性的平均肩高约 26 英寸;而成年雌性约 24 英寸。
- Parvovirus is probably the most common viral illness of dogs at the present time.It is much more common in puppies than it is in adult dogs. 细小病毒可能是目前狗类最常见的病毒性疾病,通常在幼犬的身上更为常见。
- If the AAFCO statement reads “complete and balanced for the maintenance of adult dogs”, then the food will not be sufficient for late gestation. 但如果AAFCO的标识为“配方全面且营养均衡的维护性成犬粮”,这就标示它是不适用于孕期后期喂食的。
- Methods Six adult dogs were used in this experiment.On the area of mandibular premolars, the cortical bone was removed and distractor was installed. 方法成年杂种犬6只,在下颌骨双尖牙区制备一个单皮质缺损区,安装牵引器,将其远中的骨皮质向骨缺损区牵引。
- Adult dogs grains nobles (1.5kg) 38 Yuan, (10kg) 115 Yuan puka puppy food (3kg) 60 Yuan, (7.5kg) 120 Yuan, (15kg) 220 Yuan. 贵族成犬粮(1.;5kg)38元,(10kg)115元 普卡幼犬粮(3kg)60元,(7
- It is most common in young adult dogs of any breed, but especially small dogs such as the Toy Poodle and Miniature Schnauzer. 常见于年幼的成年犬,任何犬种都可能患该疾病,尤其是小型犬,如玩具贵宾犬和迷你雪纳瑞。
- To prevent this, even adult dogs are continuously re-trained using mock sessions where both live and dead bedbugs are employed. 为了防止此类事情的发生,成年狗会继续受训。用活的臭虫和死的臭虫进行嘲笑教育。
- Methods The healthy adult dogs were exposed and partly sutured carotid artery to establish carotid artery stenosis model and to examine by CTA and DSA. 方法选健康成年犬解剖显露颈动脉后用缝合线部分缩窄颈动脉建立颈动脉狭窄动物模型,行CTA和DSA检查并进行比较分析。
- Regal Shepherds recommends that all newly purchased adult dogs be examined by a licensed veterinarian of the new owners choice within four days of purchase. 本公司建议新购买的狗狗于购买后四日内,由买家带往买家选定之合格兽医师检验。
- The most frequent case however, remains incomplete and/or cyclic depigmentation that occurs in adult dogs with black nose: unhappily, the origin is still unknown. 成狗是黑鼻子的狗狗经常会发生不完全的残留,或者循环系统退色发生在成狗是黑鼻子的:很不幸,这种情况的原因没有找到。
- An adult dog that is getting exercised is not a bored dog that has time to worry about getting into trouble or worry about being in his dog crate. 一只有运动的成年狗不会觉得无聊,在它的狗箱子里也不会觉得担忧、烦闷。